Sunder 5.a: Binary Liquidation (Patreon)
2018-02-27 21:58:45
To some degree, I felt like this would fit better after the next chapter. Like this ruins a surprise or two, even though it really doesn't ruin the important ones. It definitely fit better in its current lineup back when 5.4 was going to cover more material, but I didn't want 5.4 to balloon into 7-10k words, again.
Anyway, it's been a few arcs since we've had an interlude from her perspective. I thought, at one point, to save it for the Leviathan arc, but that cleaves closer to canon than I liked, so we get her pov here, instead.
This chapter was exciting and wound up fairly fun to write, once I got into the swing of it. Next chapter should be even better, if what I have planned works out...