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To some degree, I felt like this would fit better after the next chapter. Like this ruins a surprise or two, even though it really doesn't ruin the important ones. It definitely fit better in its current lineup back when 5.4 was going to cover more material, but I didn't want 5.4 to balloon into 7-10k words, again.

Anyway, it's been a few arcs since we've had an interlude from her perspective. I thought, at one point, to save it for the Leviathan arc, but that cleaves closer to canon than I liked, so we get her pov here, instead.

This chapter was exciting and wound up fairly fun to write, once I got into the swing of it. Next chapter should be even better, if what I have planned works out... 


Laureline David

I wonder what kind of fun wards Taylor put on her house. It mentions Kaiser dying, I don't remember when that was.

Gerand Rague

Oh wow. Another Mysterious Murder at the Hebert Household. This time in Broad Daylight. Did Lisa just accidentally Unmask Taylor? I was sure she was gonna run to Arcadia.

Sami Hautamäki

Considering that none notice how Dragon Teeth's sliced Sophia to half, there probably is also "Notice-me-not" boundary field around the house. As long the corpses of mercs are pulled away from sight, things should be...ok...


That supposes the mercs actually followed her into it. Coil might have told them not to try, once she got within range of Taylor's defenses. Or he might have ended the timeline where they did. As for Arcadia, class was already out at Arcadia. Since Taylor isn't in any after school clubs or programs, it's much more likely she wouldn't have run into her at all than the other way around.