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I...think I mentioned this to you guys, but I took last week off to rest and recharge and get my head in the game for arc 6. As for arc 6 itself, I also mentioned taking May off, and I'm...kinda gonna do that? For the SV thread and FF.Net, Essence will be on hiatus for the next three weeks. 

For you guys, I'll be going as normal - or so I intend - and try to build back up the 3 chapter lead I used to have for you. At the same time, I'll be trying to work on a couple of other projects simultaneously - maybe I'll even have not only two new Alternate Essence shorts, but also the first chapter of Recursive Wisdom, or even a snippet from the elusive, mysterious "Project Nietzsche" that I've talked about before.

How well I deliver on that promise will depend on how much difficulty arc 6 gives me. This is what I kinda want the emotional climax of the story to be, so it has to be really good and I will accept nothing less than perfection.



Take all the time you need

Demetre Saghliani

By "THE emotional climax", you mean ONE OF the emotional climaxes, right? Don't tell me you don't plan to take this story past the Coil arc.


No, no, I plan to hit Leviathan and at least touch on the aftermath of it, for a minimum of 8 or 9 arcs in total, but a degree of that "minimum" is about me being unsure if Scion is worth it when he doesn't really develop Taylor at all. In either case, the story has had highs and lows, ups and downs, the entire way through, and it will keep having them after Coil. However, the biggest moment in the story, the climax of Taylor's internal conflicts and everything that's been hinting towards that throughout, will be in arc 6. There will be other ones in arc 7 (Leviathan) and after, other big ones, but the biggest and most important is in arc 6 and comes from the namesake of this arc.

Demetre Saghliani

That's a relief. I assume the climax has Noelle as the main antagonist? (Actually, don't tell me. No spoilers.) (Oh, and by the by, when can I expect 6.1 to be out?)


Gonna try for this weekend. I'm having to do lots of canon research in order to get this arc right, because this is where it counts most.