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I've got bad news and good news.

The bad news, 6.3 is kicking my ass, because it's an emotionally charged chapter and there's a lot of stuff that needs to be just right. It's about 75% done or so, but there's still lots of stuff that needs done and what's already done might need tweaking to fit it all together.

The good news, my editor's schedule has finally started to calm down and normalize, which means he'll be more available to help me with this and future chapters.

More good news, I'm working on 6.4 simultaneously. 6.3 should be ready for this Saturday, and 6.4 might take a bit longer than that, but if all goes well, I should be getting back on track.

Kinda good-or-bad news, I think I'm going to give myself a little space and postpone the release of 6.4 to SV by a week. If everything goes as I hope, that should give me ample time to finish 6.4 and 6.5 and probably get Pendulum 0.0 finished and polished up by the time I resume my usual public release schedule two weeks from now. That's assuming that the fight doesn't balloon up into three chapters, in which case 6.6 will come before Pendulum 0.0.

We'll see about that, though.

That's where things are, right now. I'm sorry for the delays, but there's only so much I can do on my own without input from my editor to straighten out the rougher spots and help me adjust the direction of certain parts. 


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