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Wanted to have this out last night, but the editing pass couldn't get finished before the editing team had to call it a day.

The first...third, really, of this chapter is mostly fluff. Catching up on some of the stuff that happened from a certain someone's PoV, and then switching to the action, as it were.

Also, again: Illusionism is hax. Stranger 10. Yikes.

Here's Interlude 10.h: Andvaranaut. Is it gauche to reference the reason for the title in the chapter itself so directly? Maybe it is. I did it anyway.

(Also, also, I enjoyed I, Robot. Still do. Don't judge me.)


Razorfloss razor

Can I just say I love a good you suck speech


It was originally meant for Saint alone, but the editors came in and suggested aiming it at someone who could actually benefit from it - and then I added about 1600 words of Taylor going back and forth with Mags and Dobrynja.