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Because I'm not going to stop being a writer just because Essence is over.

At this point, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going next. I have three projects I could start or have already started, a fourth that I want to do but am not ready to start in earnest, and I'm not positive which one I should focus on and which I should either make side projects or leave to the wayside.

The first is Fate/Recursive Wisdom. Some of you enjoy it, but it's obviously not something all of you are particularly excited about. I think I'd enjoy writing it, but cutting my audience in half is a bad idea, so unless everyone wants it badly enough, I think I'll leave this be, for now.

The second is We Have Come to Terms. This is one of the projects I'm most excited about, and I think all of you would enjoy it once it got started and picked up steam, too, but I'm not sure all of you have the patience to sit through the first five chapters or so, because that might take a month or two to get it planned out enough to have a more solid idea of where the story is going - not the plot, because I already know where I want the plot to go, but how the story follows that plot.

The third is, of course, Hereafter, the Worm x FGO crossover that so many seem really interested in. It's a bit of a daunting prospect, though, to be writing something that covers all 7 of the canon singularities, and by the time I got to the end of it, arc 2 of FGO would probably be over and I'd have to consider covering that. It feels like something that might never get finished.

The fourth is Queen of the Abyss, the one that almost no one knows anything about because it's my original fiction. For this one, I have some plot beats, a direction I want to go, and a handful of characters, but not much else. I'd like to get started on this, flesh it out so I can start writing it, but I'm well aware I'd lose a lot of you if I made it my main focus.

For now, I'm going to do one chapter of each Hereafter and We Have Come to Terms. I'm going to finish Gaze Long into the Abyss, so all of you can get a better look at Queen of the Abyss and what it's like. From there, I'm going to ask you guys again to vote on your favorite, and we'll move forward after that.


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