[Hereafter] Chapter XIII: Tyranny of the Light (Patreon)
I had to remind myself that there's a new way of doing things and I wasn't just dumping this on everyone as soon as it was done.
In any case - yes. Yes, you're reading this right. Yes, that actually happened. How? We'll find out later on, although some of the guesses on the SV thread have been startlingly close.
My editor really loved that part. He called it "so fucking Disney" and said that Taylor is "officially a Disney princess." Your mileage on that may vary.
EDIT: I think I like doing it this way. Instead of making new posts every time I add a new chapter to the buffer, I'm just going to move each post down a tier. That...might get complicated, later on, but it's fine, for now.
Hopefully, everyone will have been notified of this change in tiers, so I don't have to do anything special to get the news out.
EDIT 2: And we finally move this one on down to the bottom tier. This has been a little awkward, but I think it'll get easier as we go, especially now that I've got everything moving properly and can fill out all the tiers.