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Wound up changing the title on this one. "Crest of Blood" was originally a reference, but the event the reference was supposed to connect to got pushed back to next chapter.

This chapter isn't particularly eventful. Lots of talking, lots of logistics, lots of everyone making plans for what's coming next.

Also, like I haven't been saying this all morning, the distances involved in the Orleans Singularity might not be as ridiculous as the American Myth War, but they are pretty significant. Read Orleans, it gives you the impression the whole thing took a week or two. In reality, it must have taken a week or two just to get through the first few chapters of the story. Sheesh. 200 miles between Vaucouleurs and La Charite alone.

EDIT: Incoming ch XVII, so moving this down the last tier.


Benjamin Mages

Stop hating on Arash guys (in story people), he's actually a very strong Archer. Yeah his NP is one-use only, but it actually matched the power of Rhongomyniad as well. Also I'm hoping Arash was not Taylor's affinity summon. What do they have in common?


Compatibility summons aren't just about how similar their personalities are, though, although Arash and Taylor both have that "no matter the cost" and "no hesitation" thing going. What's also important is how well they fit together as a team, and they're actually on pretty similar wavelengths, there. No one said Arash is the only Servant she'll ever have, though.


I just wonder what's the deal with them walking? I mean, there a at least half a dozen other solutions. Off the top of my head, I'd have asked Da Vinci to make some foldable bisycles that could be powered by magic. Then have them sent through with the rations. That should work, right? If not, then just have the Servants carry them. Servants are basically tireless on something as basic as a marathon run, and they're much faster than mere mortal humans.


I hadn't thought of that. Of course, the original FGO didn't, either. Not until Camelot and the orthinocopter thing Da Vinci makes for them to ride around in. Mostly, it's probably because the writing team didn't actually think about the logistics involved in crossing entire countries on foot. We'll see if Da Vinci doesn't come up with a few ideas later on. For now, with the time differential, she's had maybe a day or two, in between all of her other duties trying to get stuff back up and running.