[Hereafter] Chapter XXV: Felling the Sky Demon (Patreon)
I struggled a little with how to handle Fafnir, which delayed this chapter a day or two, and in the end, I'm not totally satisfied, but the perfect is the enemy of the good, and I liked Siegfried's little character moment near the end of the chapter.
Incidentally, "Berserk Saber" sounds just weird, but it's canon, so what can you do? Jalter gets kinda chuuni outside of the main Singularity, so I guess that's just her personal taste.
No, I didn't just forget about a couple of Servants at the end, but there are reasons why they aren't taking part in the fight. It'll get covered next chapter.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a sudden urge to go play Dragon's Dogma and kill the Ur Dragon again.
EDIT: Fixed the Lord Camelot typo.
EDIT-2: Down all the way.