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Relaxed a little over Easter this last weekend (April 17th), so this is a few days later and a little shorter than usual.

I confess, I wasn't super confident about how this chapter ended. The rest of it, however, I'm very pleased with. I think it turned out really good, and I hope everyone enjoys it, including some of the hints and implications and plot threads that got established here.

Also, who on the design team decided that Caligula had Herakles tier Strength? For that matter, how does the Chaldea team canonically make it through fights with him? FSN made a huge deal about just how nutty A+ Strength is, this guy should be tossing folks around like ragdolls.

Unreal, that's what it is.

EDIT: Down all the way.



How would A+ strength relate to Brute levels? Where would Alexandria or Glory Girl relate in that level? And Strength a+ isn't really that remarkable, given how many heroes are renowned for their martial feats. It is high for sure, but Taylor is used to working around that power disadvantage.


It used to be that A+ made you a dominant force on the battlefield. Other Servants *actually* had to be really careful about avoiding it, because at that level, the wind swept aside in the wake of your slashes could do some pretty significant damage on their own. A+ Strength wasn't something other Servants endured, it was something they fought around. That was Herakles. To put it another way, most Servant fights are decided by Noble Phantasms. Whoever's NP trumped the other's, or was just used under its ideal conditions, that was the one who walked away from the fight. In FSN, Herk didn't *need* a damage-dealing NP, because he could beat down enemy Servants with his raw, overwhelming physical strength. In a very real sense, his inflated Strength stat was essentially a low key NP on its own. Later on, it stopped being *too* special. But it was still at least a little bit special, because the Servants with B+ STR were mythological powerhouses — Siegfried, Gawain, heroes who were renowned for their sheer physicality, heroes who were a really big deal, heroes whose legends had a lot of weight behind them. At this point, however, it's just whatever. Completely ordinary heroes whose legends had no particular attachment to their raw strength are getting it just because. It's a lot like how it used to be that there were only a handful of EX Noble Phantasms in existence, but now every other Servant in FGO has one. Why? Because Nasu has outsourced large portions of his character design these days, so we're almost literally getting fan Servants canonized. Insofar as how that sort of STR stat translates to a Brute rating... That's not easy. Ratings aren't supposed to be about the potency of a power, but instead about what needed to be done to combat it. In terms of how you'd deal with Herakles? The whole package is Behemoth levels of strong and durable. But how he compares in terms of just regular strength? At *least* on the level with Alexandria. Because she can fly, Alex has levels of leverage that Herk wouldn't have, so she can literally toss him around. If they got into a regular punching match, though, Herk is probably going to just overpower her.

Marc Beans

I read somewhere that it’s because Nasu made Herakles’ Strength based on an earlier idea of stats, and adjusted it later. Basically, his stats are out of date, based on a view of the tiers that was changed later as more and more Servants were added.

Marc Beans

Besides it’s your story, you don’t HAVE to make Herakles’ physical abilities equal to a bunch of other people.

Marc Beans

It’s Herakles after all.


Hence why I'm making it *mean* something. Taking hits from Caligula is *actually* dangerous because his STR stat is so high, as shown this chapter. Even our adorable (supposedly) immovable object can be pushed back by his (almost) unstoppable force.


Like a lot of things in FSN, I suppose. Gilgamesh is really the only one who's gotten actual lore buffs to his character since the old days.

Marc Beans

I love that, but I meant more you can enhance his physical stats. Asterios has no place being stronger than him.


I can give a pass to Asterios as "a monster that was never human, and therefore has strength a human can't have." But it feels like power creep is resulting in many other Servants having inflated stats and NP strengths, and that's what I have trouble with.

Marc Beans

Well, just don’t feel compelled to follow what you get from the game if it doesn’t make sense, including adjusting physical stats.

Raphael Mort

Not that I'm complaining, but I just subscribbled, and the $7 says it's 3 posts ahead, but I see 9 posts ahead of SV lol


So will Rika get a ... heh...septem...piercing? Heh.

Marc Beans

Just use them as a foundation or guideline to write make sense as far as power.

Marc Beans

I’ve already made my thoughts regarding handling stats, but funny thing is when I saw the notice it had been moved down, it said in a straight line “The Mad Emperor Relaxed a little over Easter” and I thought it was an odd title for a new chapter for a second ;)


I can’t wait for Taylor to ask EMIYA how he met Heracles. The fact that the ethical debate on his actions is minimal means that EMIYA is enjoying the difference between this and his normal duties.