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Whew. What is it with FRW and Hereafter's chapters getting larger and larger all the time?

In any case, we're reaching the end of the setup chapters, and soon enough, I'll be using some more short timeskips to push things ahead a little further. That's how a training montage works in a written story, right?

Funny story, I really was all set to trace back names for all of the feats using my mediocre skill in Old Irish, and then I remembered that the translation I have for The Cattle Raid of Cooley actually has the Old Irish side by side with the English translation, so I could just rip them straight from there. But I just had to have Yukio butchering them by trying to work backwards and missing the obvious connection — or just outright not having it, at this time — so he messes up as a result.

EDIT: Moving down.


Raphael Mort

I think you didn't mean to tag this as Hereafter lol