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I think, at this point, everyone already knew or at least had a suspicion about who the god on this island was going to be. I thought about changing it up and using the youngest "big" sister, but there just wasn't enough room in the story for that subplot, so I left it be.

This is a big chapter. Probably not Hereafter's biggest, but at 6.3k, it's at least a runner up. That meant I had to cut it off before things could really get going at the end there, so I need to add in one more chapter before the next interlude — and the next interlude is a doozy, let me tell you.

For now, though, enjoy.

EDIT: Moving down.



Holy cow, this is interesting. Not what I was expecting to happen, but I can’t wait to see what comes next. Thanks for the chapter!!


This does raise a question. Did Euryale( I think ) intentionally target Arash and Emiya thus leading them to be charmed, or is it more an AoE thing? Or are Servants less resistant because they are beings of spirit as opposed to humans who are flesh and blood? Because Emiya was NTR'd nearly instantly whilst Ritsuka stood firm-ish.


It's a matter of Magic Resistance. That's why Mash and Aife, who have MR at Rank A, were completely unaffected, while everyone else succumbed at varying speeds. Emiya and Arash both have low ranked MR, so they put up some resistance, but couldn't fight it off completely. As for Ritsuka, he canonically pulls off stuff like this, despite being a normal human. Stheno still got him without much of a fight, but he did resist it slightly, so he stumbled a bit instead of running over to her side immediately.


True. But I also thought Charm only works on enemies of the opposite gender. It's why Stheno or Euryale were the premier anti-gawain users for Camelot.


Very interesting development. The biggest one, at least for me, was Taylor's Shard seemingly acting of its own accord to defend her. I wonder what will come of that.