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Really long chapter to celebrate July 4th for my fellow Americans and FGO NA's 5th anniversary.

Yeah, this chapter is just long. It came really close to 7K, so it's another chapter in the running for "longest in the story so far." Even with the fight scenes being relatively short, it still stretched on long.

Man, do I wish I was a better environment artist, though. I wish I could bring the scene of the Gorgon's temple onto a canvas, but I'm just not a good enough artist to do it justice. If you need a reference, though? It's not a match because I rearranged loads of stuff, but there was some concept art of I think Medusa's temple from AC: Odyssey that inspired my mental image. 

EDIT: Down the rest of the way.



So that is Kiyohime and Liz then, if I'm not mistaken? Liz has the tail, horns and the pink n black dress. Given she's the child form of the Assassin from the previous singularity is interesting. Does Gaia/ Counter Force recognize Taylor for what she is, given she was never born under its authority and is in possession of something that exists outside it?


Woohoo, do we have another Castoria wielder James? :D


I had to get spooked by Enkidu and Tamamo first, then buy a pack and almost go all the way through it, but yes. I was hoping to have more leftover for the next summer event or even to try for NP2 Ridervinci, but it just didn't happen that way.


Understandable. I had some USO's left over so I just got her with no fuss. Tamamo is still arguably better for big NP especially with her S1. Castoria is just better for looping. Just think...how bad are you gonna hurt when Koyanska drops? XD


I don't particularly care about Koyanskaya. If I manage to get Morgan and Melusine before she drops, then I'll probably spend the Anni 6 SQ on her, but she's just not a priority for me. As usual, though, my 2023 target list is heavily weighted towards the first 6 months. Melusine, Morgan, Super Orion, Muramasa, and Avenger Ushi. Depending on how things go, I might have to pick and choose which ones are most important.


Muramasa for sure, and Melusine to show Liz what a TRUE dragon lady is. On a side note...do you think there is a perfect servant for Taylor? I get that Emiya and Shakespeare are to balance out the yin/ yang of Ritsuka and Rika but I'm just trying to figure out a servant who would be polar opposite her. ...Kiara maybe? >.>


Yes, that's who those two were. Their connection to Stheno herself is nonexistent, but since the Gorgon legend is "transforming into a monster" and the other two have that to some degree, they got pulled when Stheno tried to summon Medusa and Euryale. I wanted a way to work the two of them into the story because a lot of people happen to like them, but they felt out of place in Orleans. Here, Stheno provided me a perfectly good reason to break them out, so here they are.


I'm not sure. Kiara isn't the worst pick for "who is Taylor's polar opposite," but "a polar opposite who compliments her instead of contrasting harshly" isn't an easy thing to pick. Even figuring out her most compatible *similar* personality was hard, but Arash wound up fitting well once the team and I sat down and really considered it.


Plus, who else would you send after a cadre of males who have some aspect of divinity to them other than an assassin who is known to charm males and is divine herself? Makes sense really. Plus if you think about it, Liz does have a degree of older sister/ younger sister with Carmine and the whole "I won't grow up to be like you" shtick. Kiyo is the odd one out in that regard.


I suggest Kiara because of her Demonic Bodah style. Whereas Taylor went out and took down all the evil of the world, Kiara is more likely to let it play out then reap the evil and purify it. Given Taylor's focus on duty about all others, it would make one think more of Kings. Not emperors or tyrants though...in a way I could see Shi Huang Di being an intriguing complimenting opposite. Where Taylor destroys, he conquers and rules. Though with Taylor's focus on destruction, one does tend to consider Arjuna especially given his NP, his "betrayal" of Karna mirroring Taylor's betrayal of her old self. Though maybe Karna would be more apt given the betrayal by Arjuna would have more compatability to emmas betrayal of Taylor. Jason would be the worst pick but part of me would love to see that shitshow. Medea maybe, the grown up version? She was set on her path by betrayal just like Taylor