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Whew. 3.6k done in one session. I was determined to get this all out at once, so I knuckled down and pushed until it was over.

It might feel a little anticlimactic, and I can understand that, but there isn't an easy way of describing four people ganging up on one and that one still somehow holding her own. If I'd gone for a play-by-play...well, the pacing would have been weirder and this chapter would have been probably two-thousand words longer.

I felt a little iffy about Taylor's little psychology play there, but it came out better than I was expecting. Also, this chapter tried to make me tear up at least twice, so I hope it hits you guys as hard as it did me.

EDIT: Moving down.



Another very good chapter, and yes, I got a little misty-eyed in a few places as well.

Pedro F

Well, Rika's just acquired a perfect catalyst for servant summoning. Also, the whole 'fraction of the saint graph' in Nero seems mighty similar to what happened with Taylor.


Well FUDGE. If that one chapter had me getting teary-eyed this one had me sobbing. Holy cow that was a critical hit in the feels. Great chapter, I can’t wait for the next one!!


What if Rika summons Bridal Nero instead? That'd make for some hysterical encounters. Plus she's a support saber with more single target focus. The teasing Ritsuka could give Rika about summoning a bride..oh god my sides. Poor Altera-chan. Let's hope Taylor summons you so the two entities that pissed off people with the same refrain "What the hell is she pulling out of her back pocket now?!" can meet...and likely annoy each other.


Lol poor connla, everyone forgot about him. It was sad then more sad then lol oops forgot the kid


I forget about characters sometimes — Fou most frequently — but Connla was planned to come back eventually, he just needed the right moment. I don't blame people for forgetting about him otherwise, though. Septem took 9 months to get through, and he's been out of sight for most of it.