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"Lazarian" as in "of, relating to, or similar to Lazarus," which is technically not a word but I'm out here making enough stuff up that I think I have the leeway to make that up, too.

So some setup stuff going on here, some character development, and hey, I bet you weren't expecting that little nugget near the beginning of the chapter. Yeah, the fact that Aife doesn't feel three-dimensional enough was a criticism on the SV thread, so I went, "You know what? Let's add some more depth to her."

5.5k took a little longer to get written than I wanted it to, but reading it and combing through it went by really fast. Hope you enjoyed it!

EDIT: Moving down



Ah Jeez, what an ominous ending. And trying to gain more insight on Lazarus, as a non Christian, I'm seeing on Wikipedia that Lazarus is Jesus's last miracle, heralding his death. So, um, I'm hoping that doesn't mean Da Vinci or someone else is about to die. Here's also to hoping that Marie isn't just insane now. That this was just her screaming out of frustration. I'm not holding my breath on either

NotSoAwesme .

Well, that's a bad sign.


AKA, Necromancy For Beginners The ending isn't that ominous. Last she recalls was being betrayed and nearly dying. Anyone would wake up with a scream.


So off topic but can we expect Rika quoting THAT line from Monty Python to one of the Arturias?


Slightly evil cliffhanger, but I don't really blame Marie for waking up screaming, considering what her last memories consisted of. Or, more ominously, perhaps the Foreign God was mentally speaking to her...