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For all Elizabeth Bathory has a terrible reputation as a serial killer, it really does need to be put into context that 600-ish people might be a lot, but there are plenty of men from much later in history that have way higher body counts and a much worse excuse for their atrocities than, "I was an aristocrat raised from the cradle to think of the peasantry as subhuman." 

I'm not saying it excuses her. Fate does enough whitewashing of some pretty terrible people from history, let alone myth and legend, and it doesn't need me to contribute to it. But she's not anywhere near the worst person that Fate has depicted in a more positive light than she probably deserves, and Taylor really has worked with some really messed up people before.



Could you do a Legend post wherein you link to all previous Phantasia's? And I mean, Dracul impaled 20k of his own peasantry. Liz is kiddy league compared to that. To say nothing of Nobunaga.


Ahhhh fuck me. Why am I getting the sinking feeling Nero, Rika and Liz are going to give Taylor an aneurysm?