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That scene was one I wanted to use earlier, but there just wasn't any room for it in the most recent interlude. But it fit really well here, too, and it worked really well for what I wanted it to do.

This chapter was just supposed to be a transitional one, to get us from the intermission to Okeanos. It pulls triple duty instead.

Also, Moon Prism Power, Rika! Yer a magical girl! She even has a transformation sequence and everything now.

Damn, this chapter was a blast to write. Of course, now I have to try and figure out some of the parts of Okeanos that I was really hoping to have more information on before we started it. Strange Fake, why are you so slow?



Is she a Sailor Moon though? Strikes me more as a...hmm...sort of like some bastard hybrid of Rei and Usagi. Pop culture meets snark.


I'm definitely starting to ship Taylor and Marie.


Oh, that’s a phenomenal way to start off this Singularity. To the ocean we go!

Noah Andrulis

While I can see why people might start shipping Olga/Taylor even more after this chapter, I personally can’t see them getting romantic in their current states, especially Olga. She’s dependent entirely on Taylor for any semblance of positive emotion right now, and that’s absolutely not the time for a relationship. Also, neither Taylor nor Olga have even so much as hinted at any sexual or romantic attraction towards each other. The only person Taylor ever expressed interest in was Cu of all people.