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Good grief, the plot of Okeanos has so many moving parts. I had to create a freaking chart to try and keep track of who is where and on which side, made all the harder by the fact that I'm not a huge fan of just about any of the canon cast of this one.

Naturally, I'm going to be adding a few new faces to give a little more depth to things, and I'm going to be making one particular substitution to the guy who makes the least sense in his canon role.

Now, it's time for the team to commandeer a ship, put together a motley crew in Tortuga, and then raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer their weaselly black guts out.

Wait, wrong franchise. Um... Time to collect a pirate waifu instead?

EDIT: Moving down.



“You know, ‘back of my Shield’ makes no sense…


Yes, but this is Fanfiction. Totally where I’d expect to see it!


Maybe it’s just a pipe dream, but I’ve got my fingers crossed Taylor will punch a pirate. Or something. Great start to Okeanos! Looking forward to this pirate’s paradise!

Lloyd MacLea

It's Taylor, someone's bound to give her the opportunity to indulge in being the Queen of Escalation again.


Is jalter going to be summoned as Taylor’s enforcer/dragon as she goes about conquering pirate island through blood and fear!