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It's frustrating just how little give the plot of Okeanos has. Like, the parts are so finely interwoven that finding a good spot to throw things off course a little without losing the essentials is hard

There is legitimately no way to put the team anywhere else at the beginning except on Drake's doorstep. Without her, the team can't get anywhere in the Singularity, because they need her ship, so if I tried to plant them on one of the other islands with one of the other groups, they would have been stuck there.

So Okeanos is probably going to be the closest to canon of the Singularities so far. I've got some things to spice it up, some surprises for you guys to look forward to that add a bit of depth and excitement, but there just isn't enough space to throw a monkey wrench.

EDIT: Moving down.


Pedro F

So she can in fact control Phantasmals. Babylonia will be a massive opportunity, being in the Age of Gods.