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I don't know what it was about this chapter, but it flowed so damn easily that I'm already finished with it. Whatever it was, I am finished with it, so here we go, everyone. Enjoy.

I had to rename this thing. There was a moment I wanted to get to in this chapter, but it got pushed out because I passed 6K and squeezing it in at the bottom would have rushed it. Gives me a solid point to use for next chapter though, so that's what we're going to do. 

So! I pulled a bit of a bait and switch on you guys in this chapter. It's usually the other way around, but somehow, it winds up this way this time. Maybe fear is just that good of a motivator? Who knows?

Next chapter, I'm going to throw you guys for a loop.

EDIT: Moving down.



In this case Hind is an old way of saying Deer. So the boat is basically called "The Golden Deer"! Maybe she plays Fire Emblem in the throne?


Yeah, but Rika wouldn't know that. Plus, we're still waiting on Taylor to interrogate Rika over what tsundere means. Taylor will learn..and despair.


Woah, awesome! I think over the holidays you ended up behind such that you got one less on your weekly backlog. This may be the perfect time to fix that, providing another chapter this week, later on, finishing by the more normal time! (Sun or Monday ig) That is, if I'm remembering and had interpreted things correctly. And you didn't intend to effectively have a week's break.

Benjamin Mages

Yeah that Drake somehow defeated Poseidon was monumentally stupid but it's canon and I can't really think of a better explanation for how she got a Grail. It's just one of those things that was put in because it sounds cool I guess.


So, serious thought. Of sorts. Firstly, Golden Hind. Sounds a lot like what a certain futuristic robit would say. Golden Hind= Shiny metal ass. :D Secondly...given Francis' role as captain of her crew, her figure and hair colour, I could easily see Rika going full Weebatron and calling her Buchou, ala Highschool DxD :D