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I'm actually enjoying writing Okeanos a lot more than I expected I would. Drake and her crew give me a lot of things to do with them and the team, and it lets me have some silly moments that feel a lot more grounded than Nero's were. Nero was over-the-top in a very airheaded sort of way, and Drake is just as big a personality, but she's a lot more devil-may-care than egotistical.

So let's have a little bit of bonding here, and a little bit of...well, that would be spoiling it. 

Incidentally, Rika will have to be careful not to lean too hard on that fourth wall. Bad things happen if she breaks it.

EDIT: One of the perils of serialized fiction: week over week, you can forget some of the finer details of what went into a chapter. In any case, I adjusted this one a little so that it doesn't come across that everyone magically forgot about Taylor's food supply idea between last chapter and this one.

EDIT2: Moving down.



Rikapool :D If you think about it, Nero was a lot like Elle from Legally Blonde. An absolute ditz most of the time.


After reading this, the first thing which cropped up in my mind was, if the will and ideas for treasure seeking in the sea can form materialized concepts then what about an idea about the monster of the sea such as sea sepents, dragons drawn on ancient world maps, kraken, leviathan etc. Can they too materialize? because sea monsters is an idea which has been present since forever.


I think, as far as canon is concerned, the idea was more how the Singularity's structure combined with the presence of the Grail(s) caused these manifested concepts to appear in search of treasure. As for Hereafter, well, I can't give you an answer that wouldn't spoil things that perhaps haven't even been written yet.