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This is where I start to throw some more wrenches into things. Even if the stupidly convoluted plot makes it hard to do much with Okeanos without revamping the whole thing, there's still a few things I want to do to spice up the subplots.

There were also a lot of places where Taylor felt like she got to strut her social fu. I don't know if you can call it charisma, but it definitely did what she wanted it to do, and I really liked how those sections turned out.

EDIT: Moving down.



As I said. Euryale, my ale, everybody's ale!


Who the heck is Calliope?


A Muse from Greek mythology. Her domain is eloquence and epic poetry. She's also Orpheus' mom — the guy who tried to rescue his lover from the underworld, and failed because he didn't follow instructions not to look at her until after they'd escaped.


Ah, sorry, I wasn't specific enough. I know who Calliope the Muse is, but I don't think this is that person. Parts of the text make it seem like you don't plan for this person to be her either, and just is a disguise.


Given the mentioning of the curse, my money is on Medea given she was cursed to aid...Jason iirc?


“It’s all the more I have”? I’d say ‘it’s all I have’ or ‘I don’t have any more’, not an amalgamation of both…