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So much packed into this chapter. I didn't want to just "and then two days passed," so I wrote them out in this form instead to give it length and avoid the rushed feeling that Orléans dealt with. As a result, this thing got really long. Still not the longest chapter in the story, but it tried really hard to reach that point, and it came really close.

Unfortunately, there wasn't room for the part I really wanted to get to, which meant I had to change this chapter's title instead of going with what I originally intended, but when I think about how I wanted next chapter to end, this actually works out better for the pacing and content.

Also, Drake's Luck is bullshit. News at 11.

Interesting note: that flag is ahistorical. However, this is Nasu, so because so many people think it belongs to him, as a Servant, it must.

EDIT: Moving down.



Fyi, editing issue. After drake says "call you stumpy" there is extra vertical space. On the WIP version I was reading that quickly and expected more to go there, but it actually makes sense. Just has the extra vertical space you forgot to remove.


Would that be Drake's "Golden Rule" skill? If you think about it, Taylor would be devestating in that era. Being able to weaponize termites to eat an enemies ship out from under them, command all the insects to bite and sting...a biblical apocalypse. Really surprises me she never earned a moniker like that.


That's an artifact of the page break that goes there on the Google doc, which is why I missed it when I copied it into Word. Thanks for catching it.


Despite that, I don't remember seeing that mistake in all the months I've been subbed to you. You've done a great job avoiding that mistake so far!


The possible Gil Dream made me realize something kinda ironic about Taylor here, something that someone like Gil might find amusing. Grand Servants are explicitly supposed to protect the world and humanity from threats like Beasts or massive alien threats like Scion... Taylor beat him by almost becoming a Beast herself. Meaning the world was saved in almost the exact opposite way that it was supposed to. Not by the appearance of a Great Hero, but essentially by the near advent of a Great Demon.


It's not impossible for it to be Jason I suppose, if Medea did something to let him peer into dreams. But Jason doesn't actually wear much gold in Okeanos to be defined by it. More white and green. And I can't really imagine why he'd care to look into Taylor specifically at this point. Gilgamesh could probably do it by himself using Sha Nagba Imuru though and iirc was looking in on Chaldea enough to write a prophecy about them in canon. And of course he wears plenty of gold and has a distinct mocking laugh. If Fou can sense the Beasts essence on Taylor I imagine Gil could too and that'd likely be reason enough for him to look into her specifically, if only out of a moments curiosity.


Are you going to make anything of the fact that shard’s taking over there hosts and going wild are called titans for the world where the Greeks rule?


The timeline isn't relevant to Ward, and Taylor isn't aware of what people started calling them, so no. In-story, there isn't anything *to* make of it.


Hmm, a laughing man in gold. Given that Taylor is in the Fate universe, Gilgamesh is my first guess. Why he would appear to Taylor, I'm not sure yet. I'm curious if this version of Blackbeard is the same one we have in FGO, or if he's more serious. Thanks for the new chapter.


Well, just because armor appears gold doesn't mean it is. Could be bronze or a few others. Might be referencing Alexander.


I wonder if Drake is going to give them a Catalyst, like Nero did.


Blackbeard in FGO is very good at making people think of him in particular ways…


But Gil is a lot more likely to show up in a Dream, through Shenanigans.