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And we're back to breaking 7K.

This one had a lot of stuff going on in it, but I liked every single bit of it, so there was no fat to trim. It was all of it good.

Those of you who are familiar with FGO won't be totally surprised by that middle section, but for those of you who aren't quite so familiar with it... Yeah. How it works is something I came up with on my own, because FGO itself never goes into too much detail about what would happen beyond, well, the end result.

But I figured the leadup to it would be just as bad and much harder to watch. I also gave it more leeway, instead of it being, "Oh yeah, conveniently, it'll happen, like, right after you finish this last Singularity, Ritsuka, so prepare yourself mentally for that." Nasu runs on narrative convenience a little too much sometimes. I figured it would have more impact if it was just a little bit more gradual. Sudden, by just about any standard, but not instant.

EDIT: Moving down all the way. 9/18/23



,It honestly sounds a lot like Huntingtons mixed with Leprosy. You know, for that lovely nightmare fuel. It actually makes me think about that scene from Family Guy where Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian fall apart. Just superimpose a cinnamon roll on their heads and...*shudder* It probably makes me fucked up that the first thought I had was "Mashu can do the Black Knight gig from Monty Python!"


More like Parkinson's mixed with Alzheimer's, is how I conceptualized it. Not limbs falling off, but body and mind just generally failing.


Sure, but her genetic code wouldn't be stable either I'd argue. Likely multi-organ failure. Starting with brain. Could even have it start innocently enough, like Mash not being hungry or getting a bit clumsy.


Yup. Unexplained tremors in her hands, general fatigue, weakness, confusion, a who's who list of all beginner symptoms. The end goal was for it to be horrifying, because it absolutely should be. I don't recall FGO going into any detail canonically, so I did, to really nail home exactly how badly Marisbury screwed her up. And she was the *success*. None of the others survived.


Homonculi never were genetically stable in the Fate universe, IIRC. Their souls are also pretty loosely anchored. Personally I'm not too surprised Galahad was able to loosely manifest in Septem with Lancelot. Course, Mash isn't even that succesful if you consider the fact she can't fully manifest her Phantasm, doesn't know their true name, etc etc. She's the least failed if anything. Sounds like Rika might need to up the ante on playing matchmaker


Been reading the chap, and noticed a smol typo. "Have you told 'ber' that" I'm guessing is supposed to be "Have you told 'her' that", yes? Otherwise nice chapter!