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And now, to take the crown of longest chapter in the story at over 9600 words, here you go, have this monster of a chapter. Why is it so long? Because I was determined to fit everything I wanted to do with this chapter into it, even if that meant writing about 5000 words in a single day.

So naturally, a lot of stuff happened in this chapter, and a lot of it was fluffy, feel good stuff, but I don't do meaningless fluff, so have some important, meaningful moments in there, too. But also a little bit of silliness with the crabs, because once the idea was in my head, I couldn't stop myself from putting it onto the page.

Poor millennial crab. We hardly knew ye.

EDIT: Moving down all the way. 12/03/2023



Very nice; I'm glad everyone had a chance to relax. Also, good to know that Taylor's powers have their limits, at least for now. I can imagine her Passenger not being happy about being unable to control an arthropod, no matter how old and powerful. What, if anything, her Passenger can do about it, I'm not sure; perhaps we'll find out. And I'm glad to see that Rika is a woman of culture, with her last song choice. :)

Marc Beans

That was delightful. I hope these relaxation vacation chapters happen more, it was that good!

Marc Beans

The crab thing was a great display of Fate silliness, could easily see it happening in a canonical event.


I mean, this does raise the question. We've seen Taylor control small things...what about tardigrades?