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In the end, I never found a better title for this one. It's also a little late, but it's a little longer to make up for that.

The real trouble this chapter gave me was the ending. No one wanted to just shut up and wrap things up, and while I could have just pushed that final bit of conversation into the next chapter... Yeah, Taylor wouldn't have let it go. Her insisting made that impossible, so things wound up stretched out a bit.

I know Renée wound up a bit of a surprise for everyone when she was introduced, and she hasn't had that much screentime yet, but initial thoughts? The editor likes her and thought that scene was adorable, but I'd like to hear your opinions on her, too.

EDIT: Moving down all the way. 2/12/2024



All we need now is an omake where Fran speaks like Fran Drescher from The Nanny :D

Mega Elite

Well, I think I figured out the mystery Caster, given some clues, but I am excited to see if I am right or not.


I believe you mentioned earlier that FGO would go off-canon around the E Pluribus Unum singularity. Will there be any deviation in London to account for that? Or because E Pluribus occurs chronologically previous to London, will we see post-facto after shocks? Effect preceding cause


I liked the scene with Renee; it was cute and funny. Taylor forgetting how unnerving she can be, even to her allies, is also fun to see. She even managed to impress Mordred.