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I have a new found love for "Peter"



Of the ones you’ve watched on Patreon so far easily Paris N4 has been my favorite. As for my favorite overall that is tougher. I really liked both N1 & N2 in Lyon. Edinburgh N1 & N2 especially the piano on N2 was really great. Liverpool was pretty good overall but N2 was the winner there for me. Cardiff only night was also great, we got in my opinion petty sassy Taylor which is always fun, with the guitar mashup that occurred the day after Scooter announced his retirement from managing artists. London N1 mashups killed. I loved the mega bridge. All 3 nights in Amsterdam were top notch. However if I absolutely had to choose an overall favorite it would most definitely be Amsterdam N3. I am apparently a sucker for super in love Taylor. Well what I realized is that I just really love the surprise song section because even the nights I didn’t mention I also really liked.