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Run BTS! Eps. 7 & 8

Indigo - RM

Wildflower MV

Jimin's Serendipity!

And more BTS related goodness <3


Keisha L

Since you already know and love mono, here are some tidbits you might find interesting :-) - Closer: This one was cowritten and produced by HONNE, the duo who also cowrote and produced Seoul from mono. Closer is their third collaboration; RM also appears on a version of HONNE's song Crying Over You. - Badbye pt 2: Okay, this is what I call Change pt2, lol. eAeon, who featured on badbye from mono, cowrote and produced Change pt2 on Indigo. RM also featured on eAeon's 2020 song Don't.

Keisha L

Also, this Twitter interaction between eAeon and ARMY is adorable: https://twitter.com/eaeon/status/1598638857024864257?s=20

Rachel Tulley

I have so much to catch up on. Ah who needs to pay attention in meetings anyway. 🙂