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Jaclyn Dimmick

Still don’t know what the flavor of that energy drink was, it was like a blue or silver can that’s all I know

Kylie aka BallisticGal (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-26 14:09:09 This little Sydneysider thanks you both for your time (and that of everyone who contributed vids etc) to this stream as I don't know when they're next touring Australia. It was great hearing the little differences between shows and just in general how the shows are perceived internationally. I think it's pretty clear that their motivation when touring is always to ensure the fans are their top priority when designing the show and with any luck they'll score some new fans or at least people who can appreciate their musicianship.
2023-09-30 07:24:51 This little Sydneysider thanks you both for your time (and that of everyone who contributed vids etc) to this stream as I don't know when they're next touring Australia. It was great hearing the little differences between shows and just in general how the shows are perceived internationally. I think it's pretty clear that their motivation when touring is always to ensure the fans are their top priority when designing the show and with any luck they'll score some new fans or at least people who can appreciate their musicianship.

This little Sydneysider thanks you both for your time (and that of everyone who contributed vids etc) to this stream as I don't know when they're next touring Australia. It was great hearing the little differences between shows and just in general how the shows are perceived internationally. I think it's pretty clear that their motivation when touring is always to ensure the fans are their top priority when designing the show and with any luck they'll score some new fans or at least people who can appreciate their musicianship.

Alex Ray

I just don't know how everyone on the planet doesn't recognize what great writers, performers, and musicians they are.


Hard agree, especially when the charts are full of some pretty meh untalented crap!