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the mega folder archive for the blend files will be temporarily down BECAUSE i will be adding more projects and scenes and assets for you guys to have, just need a little time to decide what the best scenes/projects would be best to add on to the folders not only for the creators but for the contributors aswell <3

now as for "more" ive made an itch.io as a substitute for gumroad and i will focus on distributing Lood Tickets for u guys there! VERY GOOD NEWS WOW SO GOOD!

I've also decided to focus more attention to my contributors and above not to denounce any of my other tiers (i love u all <3) but as of right now its kinda like no matter which tier u get (except creator) theres not really much of a distinction of who gets what benefits and what not, so to establish a more organized and valuable scene for you guys i will go ahead and focus more on giving exclusive content for specific tiers.

Supporters(+) will receive exclusive access to my content earlier than the public but these will be the following nerfs 😭

  • Limited Access to Archives (will only receive the animation archive)

  • Semi-Early Access to ALL content/animations (earlier than public release, later than contributor - pretty much the same except im holding myself more accountable)

  • Will be acknowledged more as a tip jar-esque membership instead of a full exclusive access tier

  • Will not have Access to Alt animations (from now on - no extra angles, white dude/black dude/asian dude/etc dude, Different outfits)

Contributors will receive exclusive access to my content earlier than the Supporter(+) tier(s) but these will be the following updates/nerfs

  • Full Access to the following Archives, animation archive and Level 1 blend file archive. (Level 2 archive will be limited to creators only)

  • When it comes to short films Contributors will be similarly paced with Creator releases but will not have access to alternatives/extra(s) like the Creators will

Creators will receive exclusive access to my content earlier than the Contributor tier but these will be the following updates/nerfs

  • lol there aren't any nerfs this shit is OP - full access to the patreons content

  • Creators will receive Level 2 access and All of the previous archives.

  • Similar to Contributor--Creators will receive alternate versions of content but to a more in-depth extent, behind the scenes, tips, etc.

  • Early Access Short film distribution to Creators will be prioritized (2min+ animations - With story)

im pretty sure i had more to cover but if anything ill just edit this post

igh ik i said "quick" but thats pretty much it stay lood




This all sounds good. For the creator tier, would you be willing to do videos where you record your desktop while making animations so creators can learn how you do your physics and other things? Like a tutorial, but you don't need to talk over it, just show little snippets of your creation process.


sounds like a good idea, live streaming could b better but i also need better internet