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He's back. And he really missed you.

Written by Audrey.

In the version of this audio in the Patreon player, the listener has a vagina and breasts. Find your preferred version below:

  • If the listener should have a vagina and no breasts, click here.

  • If the listener should have a penis and breasts, click here.

  • If the listener should have a penis and no breasts, click here.




Aw, I hope they can go see the ocean together ❤️ great work and script!


Baxter’s is going to wonder why they’re suddenly popping up in American google searches lol. :) As always, so well-written and beautifully acted!


Making up for missing the equinox at the winter solstice is MINT.


The tenderness being dovetailed with the desperation was so poignant. It's like we want to burrow under each other's skin, nestle our hearts together, and never leave again.

keplers cat

I want to thank all the teachers I've ever had for teaching me English when I was young. This audio alone makes all of the hours of studying more than worth it. Absolutely amazing work as always!


Oh the conclusion to this story was PERFECT. The frantic, FRENETIC passion, the desperate *need* to reassure themselves that they are, in fact, both hale and whole and together once again. Castor's beloved waited so long for him, imagine that dedication, bringing soup every day, stood in the supermarket aisles, taking their time, thinking which one he might like because it made him feel closer to them in that moment, making the mulled wine as the weather turned colder. You conveyed every drop of that darkness and misery, worry and panic being banished. The way they blended themselves together, all that love and adoration just melting into each other was breathtaking and absolutely perfect for what they'd been through. Thank you so much for putting so much time, effort and energy into making this performances so incredibly immersive and rewarding to listen to! I can't wait for the next instalment of these two!


Wow. You and Audrey really outdid yourselves :o Not sure how you managed to convey Castor's new, raw vulnerability so will, even as the desperate need increased, but by the gods was it just as tender as it was hot.


Yep. Audio quality has been perfected—I didn’t know so many nuances of the human vocal cords could be picked up by a mic. Fantastic voice work.


Rules of 3 ☺️


Never was I so happy, about not being able to find a time to listen the moment a new audio is out. The portal episode made me so, so glad, I could hit play on this one straight away! What a treat as always!


Gods, I need a spring breeding audio with him 🥵


after waiting, it's love and hope


🥵🥵🥵🥵 i can't breathe🫦

LadyLucidity ASMR

Holy... ... Gods 😳i can't even begin to discribe the Rollercoaster of emotions i felt listening to this. 🥹 my poor heart! This is pure love! exquisite!