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Recently I got a new vocal booth and put together a new stereo setup for my studio microphones. To test it, I wanted to make the quietest ASMR I possibly could, and this is the result. It's a bunch of gobbledegook nonsense muttering and some ear-to-ear whispering. I intentionally left the pop filters off my mics, so there is also some deep, rumbly breathy sounds occasionally. I quite like how those sound, and left them in. You'll also occasionally hear me shifting around, my stomach gurgling, things like that.

I'm not saying anything in any language (aside from one point near the end when I say goodnight in English), so if you hear something that sounds like words you recognise it's pure coincidence.

This was an experiment and I'm fairly happy with the result, but I think it could have been even quieter. My microphones (Rode NT-1) have impressively low self-noise and I'm happy with their performance, but my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlett Solo 2i2 gen 4) could be better for this use case, and I can hear some electrical interference that I could have reduced a lot by cutting power to some things in my studio during the session.

I was originally going to title this something like "The Quietest ASMR In The World", but I don't think I managed to make it quiet enough to earn that level of clickbait. I'll try again another time.

I hope you enjoy it, anyway.

Phas 💖




Congrats on the new booth!


Congrats on the new setup! Happy to have contributed, but I have to ask: You've increasingly been doing "traditional asmr“ and experimental stuff and less of the "audio stories". Last few weeks had, with a few exceptions, only one story on Saturday and something else on subway. Are you going to continue like this? Because I'm here for the stories only and find your prices quite steep already, especially if only half is what I'm interested in. Traditional asmr just makes me angry for some reason, but that's beside the point. I'd appreciate if you let me know so I can make an informed decision on wether to keep subscribing instead of hoping every week only to find out half the content isn't for me. But, to end on a positive note, I feel your voice acting has also gotten better and better, not just the tech side. I very much enjoy the newer audios, compliments also to Audrey for her great writing :)


I wouldn't say I have increasingly been doing traditional ASMR! my schedule has not changed for quite a while - there is a link to it at phasmidasmr.com. I alternate between an erotic extended cut of some kind one week (on "A" weeks) and some other kind of SFW exclusive content the next (on "B" weeks). there has been an exclusive NSFW audio every other week for most of this year, I think. I would like to do more, because I recognise that most people do subscribe just for the NSFW stuff and not to support me as an artist, and I want to deliver good value. at one point, quite a long time ago, I released an NSFW thing every single week, but I got burned out after a few months and the quality was much lower anyway. I don't think I could meaningfully increase my NSFW output without having a negative impact on the quality of my work, and on mine and my writers' mental health.

ashley christine

Yes please💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️ Seriously, you’re so good at this!


Thanks for the reply :) I was not talking along the lines of SFW or NSFW as categories though, I was making a broader distinction between stories and everything else. I enjoy the SFW stories just as much, maybe even a little more, since I like to listen to you as sleep aid and usually fall asleep before the nsfw parts anyway (although sometime I wake up from certain sound effects ;), plus nsfw can be a little to.. exiting.. to t fall asleep at times ;) Does this make any sense? I struggle a bit putting my thoughts into English sentences. To put I simply: I like bedtime stories, they are a tremendous help to soothe the mind. I don't fully understand what you mean by the last bit. I think voice acting is an art in itself, one which I thoroughly appreciate. How does it mean you are not being appreciated as an artist if people enjoy the stories?


gotcha, glad you like the sfw stories too. regardless, like i say, my posting schedule hasn’t changed for quite a while! by the last bit, i mean simply that for some people that subscribe here they may have seen what i do and decided they like my art and my vibe in particular and want to patronise and support me as an artist and a human and don’t think too much about the value they get from their subscription. however, for many people this is a purely mercantile arrangement. they pay some money, they get content in return, that’s the end of it. i think it’s likely that the majority of people view their subscription here this way, and that’s okay. and for those people, they may think they’re not getting enough in return for their subscription fee: that’s okay too, it’s valid to think this and i certainly don’t think less of people for viewing their subscription this way. for those people, i recognise that i perhaps should, and would like to, simply output *more stuff*. alas, i have not found a sustainable way to do this that works long term, and i’m sorry about that


Got it! As much as I would love to be able to hand out money to artists just for the sake of it, I simply can't afford to hand out money while I'm freezing in my tiny little apartment, because I can't afford to fix the heating. I would venture to say that this may be true for many other patrons, that you have to make sure to get the best value in return for your money or rather not pay for a service you only use 50% of. But to my original point: I wasn't asking for more or higher output, just about the type of content you plan to do. Since I'm not thinking in sfw versus nsfw categories but instead stories vs other (traditional, experimental, rambles, songs) the schedule doesn't rally say anything other than there will be two uploads per week :)


it says: “B week: Patreon exclusive SFW audio (or traditional ASMR video, karaoke, book reading, etc.)” so yes, if every other week’s exclusive being potentially any kind of variety content doesn’t represent good value to you, and especially if you’re struggling financially, i’d recommend unsubscribing. but i think best to end this conversation now. it’s all pretty uncomfortable.


I love your forways into more varied ASMR but I cannot do mouth noises so this is mostly an engagement comment! Hope you have fun with the different experiments though, it's really cool to see you doing a wide variety of stuff


I *love* unintelligible whispering. It's great to hear whispering and talking but not have to think about what is actually being said. Just enjoying the sounds of talking with no pressure to comprehend the meaning of those sounds. It is one of the best tools I've found to help me actually focus (which I find very difficult unless it's something I enjoy doing). This video in particular has been so beneficial for increasing my focus today. I've been listening to it while I study and it has helped me to get into a flow. I managed to get a lot done. I don't usually comment on here (as I'm either trying to focus or sleep hehe) but I wanted to let you know it really helped me today. Thank you Phas :)

Han Honig

loool, i've listened to this on 1,5x speed and it gave me "mumble-rap"-vibes 😂

Elle Driver

The rumbly breathy sounds were my favorite. And the deep inhales. Some of this sounded like Dothraki! (Though I know it wasn’t purposeful.) It was cool to hear about your choices and processes. Congrats on your new setup and thanks!

Chef Peaches

Hey Phas, this may sound weird, but have you considered doing a period or chronic pain comfort audio? I have the most horrendous cramps due to some cysts and i end up awake in pain most of the night.. I listen to your audios a lot during these times and I think something like that could be very soothing ^_^


I love this one 🤍 It's perfect for studying.