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How about another chapter of The Search for Detective Batson, just in time for V-day?

I hope you guys enjoy this story, it's been really fun to make and difficult to stop. I have so much left I want to do with it.

You can read the full thing by downloading the attached PDF files.

Cheers and I'll either be back with an update to this or Witchy with my next release. Depends on which one finishes first.
- Kara




i can't wait to see more of this! excellent stuff ❤️

Harley Allen

My favorite story in a while! Please please please hurry back with more!!!

Xika Kaos

Thank you for the next chapter so soon! This story is great so far and I’m really looking forward to its continuation!


I do need to finish Witchy as well, but I'm going to focus on Batson for a while.