Life Update - audios, roleplays. etc (Patreon)
I tried, I really did. Everytime I go record, I end up in tears. I'm finding it difficult to find words and it has even had a impact on my roleplaying so if you are waiting on a commission audio please know its coming. So is the starseed roleplay and even a C&O episode.
For those seasoned patreons (my cherished ones) I mentioned my Dad had been battling cancer for the last 4 years. This past week or so have been the most challenging for my family as we sat by his bedside where he lost the battle this morning. I'm still processing his loss, but I will be back.
And now for some good news, I am expecting another baby spring 2024! Some may notice the slight change in my voice when I'm pregnant. I wonder if it will be noticable this time round.
I guess this was the cliff notes of some of the things that been keeping me busy, literal life and death so to speak. I know I have an amazing bunch here and you will understand the delays. I love you all and hope to get back to my recording soon. I hope you are all well!