WuWa | Changli - Bottom Heavy v1.04 (Patreon)
Compatible with game version 1.4
Includes variants!
-Switch Variants | CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT Arrow keys (← | →)
-Toggle Tights (If available) | CTRL + DOWN Arrow Key (↓)
I had some things planned for this like making the leotard's orange parts dissapear with the jacket and add some fire parts but the way I had to build the mod prevented me that, sadge.
Either way I like the outcome, the redesign could've been better but I didn't want to move away too far from the OG look... however I am noticing WuWa designs are not as good as hoyo's designs, giving me a reason to go harder with the re-designs which may or may not be a good thing, we'll see how that goes.
Anyways, hope you enjoy.
If the face isn't casting light
Download the "TexturesFix.Zip" (provided by Gustav0) file and extract it in your main WWMI folder, reload mods with F10
This fix may be irrelevant in future updates
Blend file available! Made for modding. (Has no proper armature, weights may need to be renamed)