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XXMI Required


Compatible with game version 1.4

Includes variants!

-Switch Variants | CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT Arrow keys (← | →)

-Toggle Tights (If available) | CTRL + DOWN Arrow Key (↓)


I had some things planned for this like making the leotard's orange parts dissapear with the jacket and add some fire parts but the way I had to build the mod prevented me that, sadge.

Either way I like the outcome, the redesign could've been better but I didn't want to move away too far from the OG look... however I am noticing WuWa designs are not as good as hoyo's designs, giving me a reason to go harder with the re-designs which may or may not be a good thing, we'll see how that goes.

Anyways, hope you enjoy.

If the face isn't casting light

Download the "TexturesFix.Zip" (provided by Gustav0) file and extract it in your main WWMI folder, reload mods with F10

This fix may be irrelevant in future updates


Blend file available! Made for modding. (Has no proper armature, weights may need to be renamed)





HazekerMods (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-12 23:54:28 6DAvQhBXhAS45CTkNGkhZ8v_xVpVTyFImOl8Y4OmrPo
2024-08-12 23:48:55 MOD h1VSW2w-kqbCi-67Cg6fUv8-j0bTu8qHt-5G-s6vX3Q Blend j0QpAIq3B29efLQ3382buQ0zHuLNHKwSZjvoWCZKnxI

MOD h1VSW2w-kqbCi-67Cg6fUv8-j0bTu8qHt-5G-s6vX3Q Blend j0QpAIq3B29efLQ3382buQ0zHuLNHKwSZjvoWCZKnxI

Echo Tracker

Ayyyye someone else calls genshin genshit! I love it! ❤️


Glad the NSFW variants will be made for other games, always love the detail you put into your mods can't wait to see them!


Beautiful, thank you! I agree WW, ZZZ, and Star Rail are much more enjoyable then Genshin at the moment. ZZZ being my favorite.

Garik Garza

Awesome. I'm loving Wawa and changli is amazing.


Can't wait for the lycaon Bottom Heavy


Looks great but definitely here for more ZZZ. I dont wanna play Genshin2.0(wuwa)😅


W genshit take


Holy hell mate, your Yinlin mod was absolute cinema and you drop another W? Idk how but you're cooking masterpiece after masterpiece

腾 王

Desperately hoping to see more wuwa bh mods


Blend file when?


Does this mean you'll make a nsfw version for BH Firefly

Jim Lahey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-13 14:33:49 she is amazing ! but am i the only that the toggle for hear coat doenst work ? i can toggle her black skinsuit underneath and hey tigh but not her coat. Anyone has an idea why ? thanks !
2024-08-13 13:09:44 she is amazing ! but am i the only that the toggle for hear coat doenst work ? i can toggle her black skinsuit underneath and hey tigh but not her coat. Anyone has an idea why ? thanks !

she is amazing ! but am i the only that the toggle for hear coat doenst work ? i can toggle her black skinsuit underneath and hey tigh but not her coat. Anyone has an idea why ? thanks !

Jim Lahey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-14 01:21:57 Omg I'm so dumb I'm sorry 🤣
2024-08-13 14:43:21 Omg I'm so dumb I'm sorry 🤣

Omg I'm so dumb I'm sorry 🤣


The texture of the leotard looks a little 'flat', especially in cutscenes or when viewed up close, which makes it seem somewhat noticeable. Just a personal opinion and minor complaint, still a nice design and great mod though


Thank you brother for cookin up this THICC plump chicken that we may now feast upon. The underbooba is REALLY NICE. Really like the full tights option too. I did notice a weird seam around her stomach where the shading glitches out a little, but its not very obvious. I can agree with most of the launch WuWa designs being kinda bleh but I think the new limited char designs from Jiyan/Yinlin onward have been really good, so Id personally prefer staying closer to the originals for the newer characters. Most of the 1.0 roster could probably use it though lol. This is design is really damn hot but ngl I do miss her original outfit a bit at times. Idk how much more work it would be but would it be possible to add in one or two more variants closer to the original when you do the heavier redesigns? Basically like how your Rover mod is (same but slightly less clothes and shorter skirts/flaps). Her base design is really pretty and honestly I've been missin having the option since I used to swap often between the slootier / og friendly designs on your older mods. That said, thanks again for THICCifying my favorite BORB bruva! She is now properly *round* as a true borb should be.


I absolutely love it! The leotard shows off her body so well. Also extra thanks for including the tights. Girls always look better with legwear, at least in my opinion. Thanks for another amazing mod!


Absolutely love the mod! Imo it makes her more proportionate compared to her OG design, also I noticed the mod isn’t working for 1.2, would there be an update?


I don't know if this is just me, but my WWMI loader is somewhat broken I can Start the Game with the Loader, but the game is just not really open it's not a black screen or so it's just in my Taskbar and closes itself in a couple of seconds. Do I have to wait until there is a new version of the Loader, or does someone have a Solution?


Great mod!! I would love to see the other idea you had for the re-design! (^A^)

Isaac Izaguirre Rodríguez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-23 20:31:07 LOOOOOOVE the mod, NSFW comming?
2024-08-21 02:01:56 LOOOOOOVE the mod, NSFW comming?

LOOOOOOVE the mod, NSFW comming?


You can permanently remove it, so it will be hidden at all times. Go into the ini and put a ; before drawindexed = 84606, 234060, 0