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Status Update - August 2024 (+Poll)

  • Yes! It's the only Gacha I play so far. 204
  • Yes! But I also play one (some) of the other Gachas you work on. 743
  • No! And I don't want to play it ever again. 253
  • No! but I might start playing it/come back to it during its 5.0 update. 144
  • 2024-08-17
  • 1344 votes
{'title': 'Status Update - August 2024 (+Poll)', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes! It's the only Gacha I play so far.", 'votes': 204}, {'text': 'Yes! But I also play one (some) of the other Gachas you work on.', 'votes': 743}, {'text': "No! And I don't want to play it ever again.", 'votes': 253}, {'text': 'No! but I might start playing it/come back to it during its 5.0 update.', 'votes': 144}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 17, 4, 47, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1344}


Getting rid of Anim blends, making modding ones in the $7 tier. 3D tier is gone, all people there got refunded. I planned on not making mods for Genshin anymore since I don't like the game but a lot of peeps here are still into it so I'll keep making Genshin mods.

Thank you everyone for sharing your voice~


Hi Everyone!
Hope y'all have been having a great time.

These last months that have passed after my latest status update have been quite better in regards of my state and overall workflow. Some of the decisions that I made back in June were a MUST to do, and after getting into WuWa and ZZZ mods, my modding passion has came back to me positively since these are games I enjoy the most.

However, there's a few things I want to mention, #1, the Blend file for Animation... I want to completely STOP offering it. I know there are people out there using them wether they make content/posts or simply they use them for fun, but it's Not beneficial for me to make these Blend files and spend another day of work. Since I keep looking to spend the least amount of time on the mod work, that little extra day of work is Huge for me to have free instead.

I will STILL offer the Blends for 'modding' for anyone who wants to make mods, put their own rigs into them or port them into whatever they want.
These Blends will now be offered in the $7 Tier... meaning that the "3D Supporter" tier will have to be removed. Ellen's Anim blend will be the last and for anyone that was in the 3D tier RIGHT NOW you should switch to the $7 tier or simply unpledge if you feel like it. I will refund everyone on that tier for their current month pledge.

... And #2 Maybe a lot of you noticed on my Twitter a lil' complaint from me about Genshin, to summarize... I don't like it, and I'd prefer to keep modding the other games, despite 5.0 having some nice QoL changes, I don't feel interested about what it's offering.

So I want to make a poll to check how many of you to this day still play Genshin, depending on the results I will determine if I can quit modding for the game...
There are still 2 characters left from that July poll so they're not getting scraped, here's a concept sheet for the next characters I plan to work on (Left to right is the order):

After I'm done working on "Melusine Doctor" I will take a long break, I may or may not consider working on another character before Xiangling.

Anyways here's the poll!

Do you still play Genshin?
(Don't forget to leave a comment or opinion if you need it)


Sley Sley

I still play genshin, only when a cool character comes out. It helps when you release a mod for that character.


I still play genshin but only because I want to see it through at this point

Garik Garza

Still play Genshin. Don't care for ZZZ or HSR, but I am loving Wuwa. Would be a pity to lose your mods since I honestly think you do the best work, but you gotta follow your passions.

Echo Tracker

I would say you only mod Genshin characters that you like a lot OR ones that you just know will get alot of attention from the lewd side of the fan base. (The Pyro Archon and that tiger girl from Natlan for example) Your choice entirely to mod genshit at this point and I whole heartedly agree with you about the problems with the game. The 5.0 QoL seems like a band aid patch to me at this point but I'm still playing the game since I've invested way too much into it at this point. I respect whatever decision you make but I'd most definitely love to see you branch out it into other games. You still achieve the best thickness out there. ❤️


He estado jugando mas zzz, wuwa no termino de gustarme y tuve tan mala suerte en sus banners que directamente lo deje, si fuera por mi solo podrías dedicarte a zzz y genshin pero al final espero que te acomodes con lo que mas te guste

腾 王

The game player base of Genshin Impact is still very large, but I’m tired of it. Now I only support producers who are actively working on wuwa or zzz while making Genshin Impact, like you, haha


Rip I Will miss you blender rigged models. I wonder if maybe using ARP for rigging could make the process easy enough for you to keep doing it. But anyways, thanks for all the nice blender models so far!!


I play genshin mostly with your mods on but i'm more interested in ZZZ my first thoughts when looking at the roster was that i looked forward to if you would mod for it while hoping one would be Lucy

Infinite [The Reaper]

By me im the same boat like you Haze, with everything that the new region with new changes but i dont have any hype really i will get raid from Genshin and never play, but i have to say your mods are getting me into the game thanks to you, but any cost i will giving you my support to this mods and your fantastic work! :)


I'm glad to see mods for other games as I play hsr and now also found both wuwa and ZZZ to be really fun too. I would hope to see the occasional mod for genshin (especially mavuika when she releases) but I would be really glad to see mods for the other games too.


I play Genshin almost exclusively using your mods so losing them would be a bummer. It would suck to lose your works in the game but with your interests elsewhere, it'll probably be a lot of unmotivated work for you and I would hate to do to someone whose passion is elsewhere. That being said; as someone else said here, working on the characters that seem to be popular or that you see something creative in would be a nice reprise whilest still catering to the genshin fans. And as an aside, I don't play wuwa but I've been still enjoying the renders and appreciate looking at the mods you make for them.

Muffin Machine

I still actively enjoy playing Genshin quite regularly, and your mods are a very enjoyable part of the experience; I'd say you're one of the most skilled and talented creators in the Genshin modding scene. That said, as an artist myself, I definitely get how difficult it can be to force yourself to work on something you don't want to. Your Genshin mods are tremendously appreciated, ultimately, you should dedicate your energy to doing what you enjoy doing the most.

tobias rolf

Never played genshin but if you want my honest opinion, do the stuff you enjoy the most and make the mods you want to make. If you don't enjoy genshin the quality of your work will suffer.


I play WuWa and ZZZ primarily, and during dry content spells on WuWa, I play Genshin more. However as a whole, my interest in Genshin continues to wane. It took a long time for the QoL changes to arrive after my honeymoon period had ended. WuWa and ZZZ offer better combat, aesthetics and overall world building to me. I know Genshin is what grew your fanbase, but you should do what you want to do Hazeker. Do things that make you happy and do the kind of work that will leave you feeling fulfilled. I'm looking forward to your future works. I'm hoping to see more custom Bottom Heavy outfit mods as your character models are second to none. Great job on the Casual Yinlin outfit and I can't wait for the NSFW Changli release! Stay blessed Hazeker!

Vagoo Art

Genshin and ZZZ are the only games im playing right now, but genshin is where i spend more of my time(i may drop zzz), and although i download a lots of mods, i always end up using yours bc the quality is just too good. Both in body and design, you are the most talented modder i know. It will be sad if you decide to no longer work on mods for genshin I would suggest to do what we talked on your last Post, about make a team that work for you. I know that that is a really difficult task, since it would bring up some internal problems, but there is not succes without investiment. At least 1 person to assist you would make a great difference for you. You would only do a design and then the co-worker do the 3D and mod test. And well, last thing i would say is, even if you stop doing mods for genshin, i will keep subscribe to you, bc your work its amazing


I wanted to uninstall Genshin a loooong time ago but honestly I have nothing else interesting to play (except gachas). If you don't like playing the game you don't have to keep making mods for it (you already have HSR, ZZZ and WuWa to deal with), also the game seems to have gained a somewhat decrease in popularity (that's a great thing, I hope it has a slow and painful downfall). Honestly it comes down to your choice and your willingness to still endure that shithole of a game, most people are interested in HSR and WuWa more nowadays and I noticed that you are too so leaving Genshin modding isn't a bad thing. It all comes down to your choice, I will always be a supporter because damn, your mods are f*cking peak, every single one of them so far was an absolute masterpiece, I literally can't compare them to any other ones on the Gamebanana page, some of them are wayyyyyy too "horny" for my taste but yours hit the right spot everytime. Keep on the great work mate!


Technically I still play genshin but at this point its so little that Id say its more accurate to say I don't play it anymore. If anything the biggest reason I still play it is the great characters + your mods. If you stopped modding it I would play it even less. Genshin feels mostly pointless at this point since WuWa is honestly just a better experience in almost every way, aside from perhaps characters and story... but 1.1 was such an improvement in both regards that I don't think the difference will be meaningful at all moving forward. Why would I waste my time on the inferior game? Waves is just better while also having way more potential. ZZZ and HSR feel different enough that they feel pretty enjoyable still, and they function better as side games than genshin anyways. I'll probably come back to it here and there because I'll miss the amazing characters (FURINAAA), but other than that the game is pretty dead to me. I am definitely all for these changes if you want to make them homie. I'm already enjoying the increased pace of your mods so if you are also going to get an extra free day saved on every mod I say hell yeah. Whether you take it as a break, make more mods, or increase the quality/variants of each mod, that is a win for me, and probably most of us here. Liking the games you mod for is another big win on top and likely also better for your mental wellbeing. As usual looking forward to your future work brother! DORKY COP GYATTTTTT

Whitetashi Hikari

I'm only enjoying Genshin as much as I do because of your mods bro, your stuff is the best on the whole internet.


Currently I'm still at $15/month, so if I go down to $12 will there be any difference? Also, Genshin is still the first game I play every day.

brad hansen

literally opened the comment section to type something like this, his mods keep me playing fr


Hace muchísimos años dejé de jugar Genshin (desde antes de que se supiera algo de la región Dendro incluso). He jugado sólo un año al HSR y los nuevos gachas como WuWa y ZZZ ni los he tocado, no me interesan los gachas ya, pero tus modelos son espectaculares. Yo sólo utilizo los blends para renders y animaciones ya que jugar el juego con o sin mods no es de mi interés. Es una pena que ya no habrán ANIM .blends, sin embargo, concuerdo en que debes hacer lo que te haga sentir mejor. Estar descansado es esencial en la vida de un artista. Éxitos!

joanna Rodriguez

I love your mods alot but currently I play WuWu and ZZZ more. Genshin just feels so boring to me. I dropped the game after the 7th month of its release date. If you want a straight forward advice/answer. You should mod whatever you want to mod. No matter which game you decide to mod, you will always have fans because of your amazing work you put into making amazing mods. You won't be happy if you're working on something you don't want to work on. Remember you can't please everyone.


I once loved to play genshin, but sooo boring storyline made me to quit once Then back to the game thanks to yours and other creators' mods. I don't care if you quit your modding for Genshin, but I do hope you continue your modding for the other games like HSR and ZZZ and WuWa


I'm still playing though I'm definitely feeling some burnout. The main story, character stories, playing with new characters, and using character mods are the only reasons I'm still in. NIKKE is the other gacha game I play because NIKKE. I'm considering ZZZ even though two gacha games is already a sizeable time investment, however seeing you work your magic with modern/casual fashion like with Stelle, Casual Yinlin, and Ellen has been convincing. Losing your style of neuron activation in the Genshin modding scene would suck but burnout is still burnout and ultimately you should cut what's not working. Even if you do decide to stay with Genshin I would suggest making it a lower priority since the other titles have been better for your passion and could widen your fanbase. Taking longer breaks and/or only picking characters from Natlan/Snezhnaya/Celestia/Etc that strikes your fancy, whatever works for letting as much inspiration come to you naturally instead of forcing it. Whether it's having to wait longer or playing ZZZ more is fine by me since the quality of your art is that good. Also I wanted to add that your work is what got me more interested in modding. Expecting a variant for every detail is unreasonable so I've tinkered with the mods from you and others, adding edits like alternate clothing colors/patterns or tanned skin. Maybe it's time I installed Blender and make stuff more formally, cheers bro and stay awesome.

Devil Drew

While Genshin is fun for me, especially with some recent fun to use characters, if you stop making mods for Genshin, I'll probably stop playing eventually. Your mods were the reason I got into the game because of your BH mods. There wasn't anything like it back then when I started. Now that you got into other games for modding I may try those out. I believe there aren't very many characters left to finish, which I would love for you to do so, but I'm not going to push the artist. Maybe one Genshin girl a month? Nothing fancy either. Just original outfit and heels. On that note, out of the two games you're enjoying modding most, which do you like most? ZZZ or WuWa?

Devil Drew

+1 here for the reason to play genshin. What he did for inazuma girls with the short kimono is still top tier.


As someone who mainly enjoys Genshin and ZZZ, I appreciate any mods you make for them. But I also understand if you wanna shift the majority of your focus from one game to the other. Especially when Zenless has such a super chill vibe to it. Wuwa disappointed me and got deleted, but it's not like it gives me a right to shout profanity and demand changes from you. If you don't do what's fun for you, we're gonna lose you to burnout altogether. Nobody wants that. And even if you've gotten bored of Genshin, let me still convey my appreciation for the mods made in the past. And for the upcoming MeluDoctor. I'm super thankful that you kept the black leggings and the thigh-highs intact ;D


Bro you're the best genshin modder easily, I would be willing to pay a higher tier just to keep you around. I honestly do love ZZZ way more for its gameplay and lore, but your genshin mods are definitely my personal favorite from an art perspective, also you should keep doing star rail! Ultimately its your choice though.


I'm enjoying ZZZ the most right now. My order is ZZZ>HSR>WuWa>Genshin. Genshin just feels stale and boring in many ways and the characters are mediocre. Ellen and Changli have been the character's I've most been obsessed with and your NSFW Mods for them knocked it out of the park. The only way I'll ever use another Ellen mod is if I use your blend to make my own variants XD


Honestly great to hear you've got some motivation again, and it would be a waste for you to force yourself to make mods you're not interested in. Though I'm only playing ZZZ and Genshin right now, I'm not all that hopeful Natlan will be the kick Genshin needs. I'm going to trudge through for Snezhnaya but it might be a long year.


You’re the only reason that I still play Genshin, your mods brought new life to the game. They made the characters more enjoyable. But if you don’t want to keep moding the game don’t. Don’t force yourself to make mods for a game you don’t have any passion for. It’ll be a shame because your mods are the absolute best but it’s your decision. Do what makes you happy.


ZZZ Mostly, despite its simplicity I LOVE the art style and animation effort put into it and the character designs as well, I have a modern/future-ish bias in art so its cozy cyberpunk style really does it for me


Those Zhu Yuan and Xianling design sketches look so good

Noahnoa 62

Genshin right now is my favorite gacha game but I don't mind if you do less mods related to Genshin, I prefer if you actually do mods that you enjoy making and want to make.


Damn, indeed rigging is difficult mega boring and in general a pain in the ass process I understand, i did that too, I wonder if there are easier and faster methods that could help you, I'll miss them greatly, would it be possible to at least rig Zhu yuan, i just love her, but yeah you're still the best zzz/genshing/gacha modeler so far thank you for the amazing models, hope you can find a more comfortable position in the future that'll make you change your mind, in general making things that make you happy is the most important thing of all so good on you, you're awesome!


make me sad to see the blends go away as it the big reason for me to sub to ya but at least the mods will still be there.


What should 15$ supporter do? I sponsored it because I liked your character redesign - "especially high leg", But it's not good not to give the blend file without a prior explanation. If they couldn't come out, shouldn't they have at least added an explanation so that the supporter could understand it? It doesn't matter if it's zzz, genshin, and WuWa. I like all of your work.


HAZ! Love the Xiangling, but could you please consider also letting her wear her trademark short shorts (aka. booty shorts), pretty please? I do not play Genshin as often nowadays (WuWa and ZZZ ftw!), but she's is one of my favorites. Not that many good mods for her before yours, imho.

Dom Parker

Your Genshin mods are one of the reasons I still play the game to this day, and I originally joined because of your high quality mods. I’m sure a lot of other patrons joined for your Genshin mods and I would be really disappointed to see you leave the modding scene for this game. However, I know how bad it must feel to make mods for a game you don’t enjoy anymore. I’d really love to see you stick around though, 5.0 has some characters I’d love to see you mod!


As much as I invested into Genshin I just about stopped completely now with the existance/enjoyment of both ZZZ and WuWa. Still have it installed but don't feel any interest in playing it as of now. I might go back much much later but kinda don't care. I am pretty thrilled to see you working on other games now though...especially ones you seem to enjoy more. Do you bro...you still have my support all this time. It's just a damn shame I joined ZZZ late I don't have the first few characters so I can only appreciate the mod with them popping up in story content lol

Ishii Yuki

I play GENSHIN and ZZZ now.


Genshin ZZZ StarRail ~~~


I play gacha's in the following order from most to least HSR, WUWA, Genshin. I don't play ZZZ at all. Having said that, you should work on what you enjoy. If I could pick a game for you to focus on it would be WUWA. I love your Wuthering Waves mods and would love to see more.


Right now: ZZZ, HSR, WuWa. Haven't played Genshin for months but that may change with the new QoLs.


My fav atm is ZZZ.


Frankly, I tried both Wuwa e ZZZ, but between the diference in theme and the sunk cost falacy, neither really caught my attention. With that said, your work is sublime regardless the game you made it for.


ZZZ and WuWa didn't get me at all. Genshin and Star Rail are the only gachas I have played consistently for years


Can zzz’s character’s shoes be left unchanged? Trust me, many people also love the original shoes.


Genshin will always be my main Gacha! I play the others when I need a break or just a change of pace, but I always return to Genshin!


Genshin is certainly one of the games I play, but if you feel up to it, that's fine. It's hard to work when you don't feel like it, and I'm sad that you'll stop making mods because of it, and even sadder that I won't be able to see your immoral short stacks. I love the gaps like nahida and furina that you create! WUWA's encore, velina ,ZZZ's Nekomata, Colin... the imagination is so much bigger.


Will we get a blend file for Changli soon?


Most likely not, but it’s completely understandable as they did announce that it takes up a lot of time (a whole day) that they could be using to get caught up and move on with future characters


I know they said that they wouldn't do blind files for animation, but will still offer the file for modding or anyone that wants to rig the model there self for animation.


I really do love your Genshin mods, but it's been fun to see you making the skins for the new games too. The WuWa and ZZZ skins look great, whatever you do make I know it will be good quality 😁