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Hey guys, I'll be taking a break from modding and take the next days off until maybe October's first week.

Got some family members back to my place and we have been doing lots of stuff lately, they'll hang around until mid October so I just want to not worry about any work during this time.

Hopefully I'll come back with maybe some mod designs planned like I did with the last status update and new polls! Make sure to stay tuned for those, there will be one for each game.

Anyways, Thank you all so much for the massive support
Hope y'all have a good month, see you on October o/



Take as much time as you need man no rush family always corks first 💙


Well deserved, you did so much great stuff :D


Have a good break sir, and enjoy ur family time

Infinite [The Reaper]

Its okey my friend Haze, you need those vacations, so take it easy and we are waiting for you my friend!, So good luck with your family

Vagoo Art

Hav you show them your mods? What do they think? :D


Well deserved! Rest up nicely~

Mr Topp Gaming.

You deserve a break with all the great mods you have made

Mental Penalty

Have a good one! Deserve as much rest as anyone else


Have a nice rest. You deserve it 👍

Devil Drew

Enjoy your break good sir (:


At the end of the heros journey he finds peace 🕊️ God bless horny gamers 🙏🏽 have a wonderful time with your loved ones 💖


Enjoy the break!


Enjoy your time off!


Family first! Enjoy your vacation Haz!

Ishii Yuki

Have a good rest! Thank you for all your mods! 神作!


Rest well brother! The holy THICCening is an inevitability. Rest now brother so that your body and mind remain at its best. We will eagerly await your return. o7


Rest Well! When you come back hopefully we can get a Nicole Demara Bottom Heavy mod!


You are chinese???!?


Very much looking forward to your future ZZZ work. Hopefully with Caesar and Burnice. And of course WuWa Shore Keeper. You have your work cut out for you! Thank you for all you do.