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Vote for Next 2 Characters! (December 2022)

  • Shenhe 46
  • Yelan 24
  • Hu Tao 25
  • Barbara (+Swimsuit) 12
  • Jean 25
  • Yae Miko 14
  • Kokomi 25
  • Ayaka 11
  • Lumine 13
  • Surcrose 10
  • Klee 7
  • Kuki Shinobu 8
  • Nilou 7
  • Beidou 10
  • Keqing 15
  • Xingqiu 7
  • 2022-12-27
  • —2023-01-02
  • 259 votes
{'title': 'Vote for Next 2 Characters! (December 2022)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Shenhe', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Yelan', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Hu Tao', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Barbara (+Swimsuit)', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Jean', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Yae Miko', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Kokomi', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Ayaka', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Lumine', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Surcrose', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Klee', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Kuki Shinobu', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Nilou', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Beidou', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Keqing', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Xingqiu', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 2, 5, 1, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 12, 27, 18, 4, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 259}


It's time!
You guys have given your suggestions, now choose your favorite(s)!

There will be 2 Winners, 1st place gets to be made when Ganyu releases publicly, 2nd gets made after.
Round 2 of suggestions will be made at the end of January.


Poll ended! - Shenhe Wins!

2nd Place... there's a tie with 3 characters!
A new poll will be made as the Tiebreaker/Round 2

Stay Tuned, thanks for voting!



Can we vote for multiple or no?

Willow (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 03:12:06 Would love a mod for Lumine so when she force loads for cutscenes and stuff it's not the same ol boring model :3 but aside from her YAE PRIDE <3
2022-12-28 04:46:46 Would love a mod for Lumine so when she force loads for cutscenes and stuff it's not the same ol boring model :3 but aside from her YAE PRIDE <3

Would love a mod for Lumine so when she force loads for cutscenes and stuff it's not the same ol boring model :3 but aside from her YAE PRIDE <3


Can I add Miss hina to the poll xD