ERSS2 version 2.1.24 (EOL) - Temporal Super Sampling for ELDEN RING (Patreon)
NOTICE: ERSS-FG should always be used in place of ERSS2, even without Frame Generation on. This is the regular version without Frame Generation and other improvements.
ERSS rewritten from scratch removing ReShade dependency.
Supported upscaling technologies:
NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution (or DLAA) 3.7.10
AMD FidelityFX FSR 3.1 (without Frame Interpolation)
Intel XeSS 1.3
NVIDIA Image Scaling
New features:
Being standalone: the mod no longer depends on ReShade and ReShade API (unless used as a ReShade add-on).
Improvements in performance and stability.
Contrast Adaptive Sharpening option for DLSS.
Intel XeSS integration
Features that are not yet re-implemented:
Modifying DLSS flags (I don't think this is necessary because auto exposure should always be on and HDR already has a global toggle, so it won't be reimplemented unless someone finds a use for modifying the flags).
To use ERSS2 without ReShade (a.k.a. standalone method, recommended):
1. Extract the attached ZIP file into the 'ELDEN RING\Game\' directory. (ERSSReShadeStub.addon can be removed)
2. Make the game launch without EAC, either by putting "cmd /c start eldenring.exe & rem %command%" (without quotes) in launch options in Steam or by using some other tool.
For Steam Deck (Linux-native Steam client) users (requires bash to be set as user shell, which is the default for most distros):
cmd=(%command%); cmd[-1]="eldenring.exe"; WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi=n,b;dinput8=n,b" "${cmd[@]}"
3. Set Resolution in the game's Graphics menu to your target resolution (ie. your monitor's resolution)
4. Open the mod's configuration overlay with the Home key and set Scaling Mode to the upscaling technology of your chosing.
To use ERSS2 with ReShade (recommended if you're using other overlay mods):
0. Install ReShade with full add-on support
1. Copy ERSS2.dll, ERSSReShadeStub.addon and the folder ERSS2 from the attached ZIP file into 'ELDEN RING\Game\' (Don't overwrite the DXGI.dll file from ReShade)
2. Follow the instructions in the section above starting at step 2
If you don't have a keyboard or a Home key on the keyboard:
Download the file "" and follow the instructions inside
Notes about usage with other mod loaders (ModEngine2, SpecialK, etc.):
Only use other mod loaders if the standalone or ReShade methods aren't possible
Remove the included dxgi.dll file when adding ERSS2.dll to other mod loaders.
Put ERSS2.dll and ERSS2 (folder) in the same directory
Make sure ERSS2.dll is loaded as early as possible (specifically before or at the same time the flashbang appears)
Steam overlay may refuse to work.
For Wine/Proton users (including Mac, Steam Deck and Linux users):
The mod's overlay may be invisible while running in exclusive full-screen. Workaround: switch to borderless mode or turn on "Override Full screen state" in ERSS advanced settings before switching to full-screen.
For Mac OS users (or those running Steam client through Wine, not the native Linux Steam client):
Add the file names (excluding the ".dll" extension) of dxgi.dll, ERSS2.dll and the files found in ERSS2\bin to DLL overrides in Wine configuration. See's_Guide#Libraries_Settings and the documentation for your Wine wrapper (Crossover, Whiskey, Bottles)
Change log:
Fixed a crash on boot when used as a ReShade addon
Attempted to fix compatibility with Special K
Fixed a crash that can happen when the mod is loaded by Special K
Support ELDEN RING version 1.12.3 (calibration ver. 1.12.4)
Updated FSR to version 3.1
Fixed some minor issues
ReShade Add-on: Add an option to remove empty space on the depth buffer while upscaling is being done. (Manual configuration of depth texture coords is no longer required.)
ReShade Add-on: Add an option to render ReShade effects before UI composition.
Fixed a possible crash happening while using ReShade.
Added some error handling.
Fixed crashing while trying to read an empty config file.
Fixed a conflict with other overlay mods while using ReShade.
Fixed a performance issue with ReShade produced in v2.1.15.
Fixed support for ELDEN RING version 1.13
Fixed crashing when the mod collects exception call stacks.
Use latest supported game version's memory info for future ELDEN RING updates.
Fixed support for ELDEN RING version 1.14
Added an intermediate ReShade add-on to load ERSS2.dll without having to rename it to ERSS2.addon
(See updated instructions above, remove the old ERSS2.addon when updating)Updated dependencies:
NVIDIA DLSS v3.7.10 -> v3.7.20
NVIDIA Streamline v2.4.10 -> v2.4.15
ImGui-docking v1.90.6 -> v1.91.1
toml11 v3.8.1 -> v4.2.0
Intel XeSS v1.3.0 -> v1.3.1
D3D12 Memory Allocator 2b7c0d4 -> e00c4a7
DirectX Headers v1.613.1 -> v1.614.1
Added a little tribute to my awesome Patrons.
Fixed crashing in the character customization screen while ReShade bind depth texture is on