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UPDATE 10/2/23: Esthen Remake is inked and is in the process of coloring

UPDATE 9/27/23: Erza remake is inked

UPDATE 9/15/23: Esthen remake sketch is up. I decided to use the same pose as the original but with some adjustment to make musculature look more natural. Is it too boring? Should I try another pose?

I spent all my energy coming up with Erza pose so Esthen will have to wait tomorrow.

I know this pose is vastly different from her original comic panel but I'm not satisfy with her pose in the original comic and want to try something new.




Looks interesting. More dynamic and fluid.

Mr. Nickname

love seeing fmg art of Fairy Tail girls. Would honestly love to see a remake of that original comic some day. still probably the best fmg comic out there.


Thou art most generous


A side view does seem more dynamic than a front on view. It's easier to imagine her chest, arms, and back getting bigger, growing in the side plane rather than growing toward the viewer. You can also imagine her hair flying about more as well.


Her chest seems bigger too. I'm always a fan of bigger boobs 😍


Oooouuuu... can't wait

Lorde Zygarde

Big pecs and big peen. I like your muscle work male or female tbh


Nah, the pose isn't boring. I've always loved it when a guy can grip himself with both hands and still has more shaft to spare.


Esthen's original was a nude and the remake should be too.


I think Esthen's piece is nice the way it is. I'm looking forward to seeing the differance between the original and this one. As for the Speedo's, I think it's a good idea. We already have the fully nude version after all. This is a nice variation.

Lyra & Sword

I would love to see more of Esthen, I really like his design, a teenager who is already a super heavyweight bodybuilder and his muscles and penis are getting bigger every year. Especially his penis, which is harder than a steel rod and can tear the strongest pants to shreds when erect. I couldn't help but dream, what if he worked out his penis like he worked out his biceps? It will turn into a literal battle ram that can even penetrate rock.

The Hunter (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-16 05:05:31 Esthen is a remake ? ye probably another pose.
2023-09-15 17:48:33 Esthen is a remake ? ye probably another pose.

Esthen is a remake ? ye probably another pose.


I would like to see more of him too and his girlfriend. I wonder if they started a family together


I suggest removing the sweat from Esthen. His strength should look effortless as much as possible.