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I was supposed to be taking 4 days off last week (exhausted again) On day one I was bored so I started to play with my software, One week later I've been sat at my desk day and
night painting this. I have no idea what its supposed to be as it was just an experiment with some new techniques I've learned recently.

Feels good to just to build something random for my self with no commission pressure or a popular style look. Just something weird from my weird brain 😁

Important : Make sure when you load this that you save the skin as a preset!!! I have had to work in all 4 channels with this one so 1 set has 16x4k textures, x3 separate models so 48 textures total. So load each look (3 sperate scenes) and save each skin as preset 1-2-3 etc


  • 3 individual texture sets (Naked / fresh Armor coating / Spent Armor coating)
  • 7 Make up options
  • 5 Hair options




Fuckin wild. A+ my guy


You're the best


Wow, this is a whole new kind of incredible work! 100% on board with sci fi/fantasy models