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Ver 1.8.0

IMPORTANT WARNING: -Due to some updates/upgrades this month, most traits (Sexually Awkward and Pervert) will need to be reapplied.

⦁ -It's so much more convenient now applying the traits to other sims using the new SHIFT click ->"Perverted Expansion Pack Options" on any other sim OR by using the reward trait menu for the sim you are using.

⦁ -If you had previously given any sims either the devious or sex maniac traits, they will still have those applied which is why you're only option will be to apply the pervert trait.

⦁ -This will explain why the Sexually Awkward and Pervert interaction menu is missing when you are playing.

(I apologize for this inconvenience but it was a necessary growing pain)

New Additions

-Added a new choice for the player with a Sexually Awkward that keeps getting their clothes torn and disintegrated off when they're not drunk more than 5 times. (eaten doesn't count) They are given the choice to start ripping clothes off. If the player chooses no, they will be given another opportunity after their clothes have been torn off another 5 times. Could this be the first interaction of many on a sims journey to being a pervert themselves?

-All 4 Sexy Secrets can now be overheard by perverts that are close by. So if your drunk sim reveals something with a group, all sims attracted to that sims gender will learn and remember that secret themselves. So be careful!!

-For Pervert: New Proximity Buff: "Exposed Underwear" (flirty +2) Activates when a Sexually Awkward Sim is nearby the has had their clothing removed by ripping off or disintegration AND they are drunk AND the player sim is attracted to males.

-For Pervert: New Proximity Buff: "Exposed Bra & Panties" (flirty +2) Activates when a Sexually Awkward Sim is nearby the has had their clothing removed by ripping off or disintegration AND they are drunk AND the player sim is attracted to females.

-Added a notice to players who try to change their outfit when away from home explaining why they can't.

-Added The Perverted Expansion Pack Options. A menu for game options and cosmetic options. Activated by clicking on your sim.

-Added The Perverted Expansion Pack Options. A menu for applying the Perverted Expansion Pack traits. (Devious, Naïve, Sex Maniac, Sexually Awkward, Pervert) Activated by SHIFT clicking on any other sim in the game.

-Getting swallowed up by the Cowplant will remove the sims clothing. Other changes, make the cowplant less deadly to Sexually Awkwards and Perverts. The cowplant will only strip those traits of their outfits.

-Added a notice to let the player know that an NPC Pervert has asked another Pervert if they want to strip to their undies... instead of just doing it, leaving the player wondering what just happened.

Custom Drinks

-Added "Insta-Drunk": This wondrous drink will get any sim instantly drunk. Even if they were already wasted, it will bring them back to just being drunk. For those nights you just don't want to end too early.

-Added "Penis Enlarger": This tasty beverage has a penis enlarging side effect for the males. Drinking more than one can increase the penis size even more!

Ripping Clothes Off

-Added 1 new boxer for men as underwear that has a chance of appearing when pants are ripped off.

-Added 1 new pantie for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when pants are ripped off.

-Added 1 new brassier for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when shirts are ripped off.

-Added Interaction availability. Now the ripping clothes off action (for the player) can be initiated when sims are walking, running and dancing. (in addition to standing) **Creator note: I didn't have time to add these to autonomy. There wasn't enough time this month to play test.

Realm of Magic

-All Wizard Duels (Friendly, Heated, Artifact, Items, Knowledge) with perverts can now result in a chance of itemized clothing loss. There is a 55% chance the loser will lose a top or a bottom or both or neither. Continued battling results in bra/undershirt disintegration.

-Refined timing for clothing disintegration for all magic interactions.

Perverted Expansion Pack Options 

*click on your own sim

-Added option to turn on/off clothing restrictions when away from home.

*SHIFT clicking on other sims gives options to add Perverted Expansion Pack traits.


-Added emotional response system for Sexually Awkwards to the perverted interaction:

⦁ Tell Perverted Story


Pervy Options is replaced with Perverted Expansion Pack Options.

-Removed the Add trait interactions that added traits to your sim through dialog. Now its using the reward menu or SHIFT clicking other sims to access the "Perverted Expansion Pack Options"

Bug Fixes

-Fixed a bug where when a wizard overloaded only the pants where getting destroyed. Now both pants and shirts disintegrate.

-Fixed a bug where when starting a game of strip poker, extra players would include themselves in the game if they were close by. Now only those actually playing cards will join the game of strip poker and the rest will only watch or do their own thing.

-Fixed a bug where a complete stranger could barge in to your home and use your bar to get some teen sim drunk.

-Fixed Vampires receiving Tipsy, Drunk and Wasted buffs when feeding on sims. Now they do not.

-Fixed an error regarding the "conflicted traits" the Sexually Awkward sim comes with as of last months update. If your sim had the "Carefree" or "Shameless" trait(s)

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Skarrd Bra and Panty



Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions



Now I really need a cowplant ;)


I have 3 guarding the entrance to my Perverted Professors secret lair now. lol


some of the interactions dont show up between two particular sims even though they both have all the required traits


Is this after reapplying the traits? Because with this update, the traits will have to be reapplied first.


Perverts don't "First Kiss". Could you make it an OPTION?It will make Perverts have hidden relationship 'romantic_FirstKiss' to anyone who they ever met.


so previously i have experienced an issue with the drink event. it says sims are at work. i either have to have no bars or constantly end the event to prevent that. is there a way to disable the event? i really like having a bar without the constant "event" happening.


I might need a little more info from you. This has never occurred in my game. The way the event is set up, it requires a sim to ask another sim to drink. And then only those sims would drink. No one should be obligated to leave work to join the event. And if sims are at work they wouldn't be able to start any drinking events. Maybe if the event started as the sim was on their way to work? You don't happen to know what interaction it is that is causing this?


My socially awkward sims randomly get the 'coming on strong' buff, even though there isn't any pervert nearby. Is this a known thing or some conflict with another mod?


I have not had this reported yet. If I recall its a buff that is supposed to occur after some affection interactions like embraces and kisses but I'm not sure if I remember correctly. I'll look in to it.


It’s when one sim is in the event and you try to travel with another sim. It won’t let you bc it says the sim (all sims in household) is at work until you find the sim that is handling the event. Once you cancel the event it free’s up the sims and let them travel to a new location. When you try to travel with a sim that’s not in the event it forbids the travel and states the sim is at work.


Okay. I appreciate you letting me know. I'll look in to it and see if I can figure it out. Thanks!


So, SM's need to introduce themselves before they can attempt to tear off clothes?


No, the SA's don't have the ability to tear anyone's clothes off when they make the choice to fight back. They only get the ability to fight back. So only if a pervert attacks to rip off their clothes, they will rip the perverts clothes back. Same with vampire sparring, and wizard duels. They'll fight back. I felt like it might take another step before the SA can go around ripping anyone's clothes off.


I think you misread my question, I'm referring to the Maniacs


I did indeed misread. No, they do not need to introduce themselves first.

Tammie Dennison

Did you know that if you embarrass a sim enough you can embarrass them to death? i decided i didn't want them to die so i use console command death.toggle false catch is no one dies ever.


I did know that a sim can die from embarrassment. I could possibly add a "immunity from embarrassment death" for the sexually awkward to keep death in the game and be more specific. If that would be better.


autonomy for the Maniacs does not appear to be working


It's working but it has been scaled back for sure. The main conditions for autonomy to be available are: 1st. if the sex maniac doesn't know the other sim, then the interaction is available. (the other sim must be standing because I have yet to add the walking/running/dancing variables. 2nd. If the sex maniac is drunk. Doesn't matter if they know the sim in this case. The target must be standing. Or 3rd if the Sex Maniac has been harassing the other sim. Like asking about their underwear. Just once will allow the interaction to be available for autonomy. I am trying to play test the addition of the walking/running/dancing this month and if it's not too much I will add those to the possible time autonomy can kick in.

David Humphries

Sims can not change clothes when traits applied.


Yes. You're supposed to get a notice explaining why. This is because your sim is not at home and away from their extra clothes. Once your sim goes back home they'll be able to change. This restriction is in case your sim gets their clothing torn off. However, you can turn this off in the Perverted Expansion Pack options by clicking on your sim.

Tammie Dennison

That might do the trick. what i'm getting now is after a period of time when to many people haven't died in the word, because literally no one dies. not npcs not your sims no one. even accidental deaths just stop happing and not even kidding the game starts spawning sims that are all distorted arms or legs stretching off the screen and somewhere in there everyone starts showering with their clothes on....

Tammie Dennison

Fat fingered enter, wasn't done yet lol after the clothes keep going on even if i gave them none, i just have to start over. Lost so many sims to restarts its ridiculous. even if i save the family or sims(s) i want when i bring them into my new world they are still showering in their clothes....just accelerates the whole mess. once i had 3 sims show up on another lot i was playing and just drop dead.


It sounds like you are experiencing things in your game that I've never seen. In my game sims can still die, just not from emotional deaths like being too embarrassed. There may be another mod causing showering with clothes on and distorting legs and arms though.

Tammie Dennison

Totally willing to accept its something else. Including my own lack of knowledge on the technical level with mods in general. I could never get MCCC to work at all and i'm sure its something i did or rather didn't do correctly. I keep them all up to date as much as i can and they all usually work fine together until i have to start useing death.toggle. then its like a cascade failure(geek points if you get the reference) one starts tripping issues in the others and it all just goes to hell. i run wickedwhims, nisaKs perverted expansion, which is where the cloth thing comes from i think cause thats the first one to loose its mind usually, Kriticals dreams of submission, Basmental gangs and basmental drugs and then your stuff. I Use the Vortex mod manager because if i have to start putting files places it gets messy. If i keep track of the elders and manually delete them or age them down that seems to ward it off for awhile but eventually i space out and forget. its a mess and for all i know its a chain reaction that has nothing to do with your mod....I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my insane ramblings. :) Just to be clear i'm not stupid i just don't know what the hell i'm doing and getting clear reliable information is difficult at best.


I appreciate this response. And you made me laugh a couple times. Collecting mods is a bit of a game in itself. The experience of modding with the sims over the years has taught me a couple of tricks. I have categorized my mods in to different folders. Clothes, Objects, Cosmetics and Mods. These folders sit inside the mod folder. (Vortex probably won't do that but I don't use it so I'm not sure) And I just try to keep certain mods in certain folders. In the sims, there are safer mods like clothing and cosmetics that only bring a new item in to the game. They are safer because even if they don't work right, it usually only affects that one item or possibly 2 items. But then there are "game affecting" mods. Like mine and the ones you listed above. The "game affecting" mods, I like to keep all together in a folder (I call mods). I have found, especially after the game goes through an update, that it will be one of those mods that is causing a problem. The clothing and cosmetics rarely need an update. It just helps narrow it down. Also, once you start to notice which mods broke after an update, tend to be the mods that ALWAYS need an update after the game updates. I won't lie, organizing your mods folder can be a massive job but after, it's worth it.

Tammie Dennison

Vortex takes them and puts them all in one that folder is the mod folder. some it puts into their own folder but most just all goes in the main folder. I can reorganize those the way you suggested and if i'm getting your drift correctly its "hey start with some organization" good advice and i have been trying to do so, but its a bit like guy modifies car next owner takes it to the shop and shop says what the hell happened here? except im both of the guys....lol. now that im thinking about it, i might just need a whole fresh install of it all...my connection is rural and slow that's going to take awhile but seems that the answer i just cant get away from and i don't wanna ( stomps foot) lmao. maybe if i orgainized them in the vortex folder so the ones needed updates every update are in one place because i agree that's where the trouble usually starts. hell just recently i went digging and found bits and pieces of the old skarrd trait mods and the embarrassment from when they were stand alones and the hell of it is that removing that stuff made it worse.... that's not how that's supposed to work .... who in the crack smoking .... oh yeah look in the mirror dude that's your guy! anywho, its not often i get a creator who will actually speak to me. I've been chasing your creations around the internet for awhile. then things got better and now i subscribe here figuring its the best way to get in in its purest form.


I appreciate you being here and I am glad for your support. I faced a reinstall years ago and it forced me to organize from utter chaos. I won't lie, there were losses. My game was never the same after that. But there were bonuses as well. Like not being completely lost. And buried in broken mods. lol Once I got on top of the organizing, it was just about maintaining and making sure things went in the right folder. In your case, with some of the crazy stuff you seem to have happening, might really benefit with a mod cleanse. It will be a completely different game.