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Ver 1.9.0

EDIT** Ver 1.9.1 - Corrected errors with clothes disintegrating.

New Additions

Drugging Drinks

Devious Trait: Roofie Upgrades : Relationship cleanse. So now when the player roofie's a sims drink, after the effects of the drink, (dazed +8 for 8 sim hours) the sim will completely forget about the player so much they will have to reintroduce themselves. All the perverted, sex maniac and devious things that have been done will be erased. (including all past transgressions) Except for the sexual secrets they have learned: Intimate secrets, Sensitive areas revealed, Turn ons disclosed, or Sexual weaknesses described or if they have obtained the "Putty in their Hands". Those secrets/advantages, the pervert will remember/retain.

All other relationships for that sim will remain intact. (unlike the vampires drain life force which resets all relationships for that sim)

Naive Trait : Now a chance (5%) they will accidentally slip a roofie in to a sims drink. That chance increases to 10% if they are have the Clumsy trait and increases to 15% if they are tipsy/drunk/wasted.


(continued from last month) NEW CONTEXT TO (MORE) DRINKING INTERACTIONS:

I have created 2 versions of

-"Want to drink some alcohol?" by a pervert adult (YA, A, E) to adult (YA, A, E).

-"Want to drink some alcohol?" by a pervert teen to adult (YA, A, E).

-"Want to drink some alcohol?" by a pervert adult (YA, A, E) to teen

-"Can I make you a drink?" by a sexually awkward adult (YA, A, E) to adult (YA, A, E)

-"Can I make you a drink?" by a sexually awkward teen to adult (YA, A, E)

-"Can I make you a drink?" by a sexually awkward adult (YA, A, E) to teen.

One version has a lower level of autonomy. So its there by default and could happen. But the other version, whose autonomy has been cranked up, doesn't become available until the player uses the new interaction: "Is there anything you want to do?" This new context system will be offered to players in addition to the option of shutting autonomy off completely. (*See Perverted Expansion Pack Options update section below*)

Ripping Clothes Off

-Added 1 new brief for men as underwear that has a chance of appearing when bottoms are ripped off.

-Added 1 new pantie for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when bottoms are ripped off.

-Added 1 new brassier for women as underwear that has a chance of appearing when tops are ripped off.

Realm of Magic

-The "Zip Zap" spell now has a chance of removing clothing from the target. (and a greater chance if it's overcharged) But this spell can backfire and if it does, it will remove the spell casters clothes.

-The "Scruberoo" spell now has a chance of removing clothing from the target. But this spell can backfire and if it does, it will remove the spell casters clothes.

Perverted Expansion Pack Options 

-Added "Ask to drink Alcohol Autonomy" on/off switch Turning this off will turn autonomy off for ALL alcohol drinking situations for that sim.

-Added option to turn off the Automatic Perverted First Kiss.

(What does the Automatic Perverted First Kiss do? The automatic perverted first kiss establishes that a first kiss has already occurred between the pervert and all sims they are attracted too. This "unlocks" all the other kisses early for the pervert to try. (Implying the pervert is ready for those physical affection interactions) However, the receiver (especially the Sexually Awkward) may not be ready for those physically affectionate interactions themselves and will push away and reject those advances opening up the "Awkward resistant" interactions like, "You shouldn't try to kiss me like that.", etc.)

Turning the Automatic Perverted First Kiss off will remove all first kiss markers from all sims that the Pervert is attracted too and hasn't yet met. If the Pervert has already met the sim, the relationship will have to be deleted to restore the First Kiss interaction to appear during the relationship growth.

-Shift click on any other sim in the game to turn blushing on/off for that sim.

-Shift click on any other sim in the game to turn physically appearing hard nipples on/off for that sim.


-If a Vampire bites a sim that has been drinking alcohol they can get drunk themselves.

-If a Vampire drinks too many times and more than they need they will receive a "Blood Drunk" buff (Dazed +3)


-Rewrote the relationship markers for the Sexually Awkward's: Know's Intimate Secrets, Know's Sensitive Spots, Know's Sexual Weakness, Know's Turn Ons and Putty in their Hands.


-Family relations recognition conditions for "sexually explicit" social interactions has begun being implemented. Relationships involving: Brothers, Sister, Son, Daughter, Grandson, Granddaughter, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, Aunt, Nephew and Niece. (I've intentionally left out cousins and stepbrother/stepsister.)

Bug Fixes

-Fixed a bug where the buff "Smooth Talking Pervert" appeared even if there wasn't a pervert around.

-Fixed a bug where the bra wasn't getting eaten.

-Fixed a bug where the bra wasn't getting disintegrated when a magician was discharging.

-Fixed a bug where a vampire would change from dark form after vampire sparring which would change their outfit nullifying any ripped off clothing.

-Fixed "Bottoms Ripped Off" buff from showing when they have already been disintegrated and vice versa.

-Fixed "Top Ripped Off" buff from appearing when it has already been disintegrated off and vice versa.

-Fixed "Embarrassing Memories secret strip" buff from being visible.

-Fixed the "Wet Clothes" buff from not removing after a sim takes off the wet clothing.

-Fixed a bug where buffs from a magician discharge or overload wasn't always appearing.

-Fixed a bug where sims were still getting negative relationship penalties for seeing a vampire drinking blood of a Sexually Awkward or a Pervert. Now they do not.

-Fixed a bug that was allowing a sim being bit and fed on all night to sober up while it was happening. Now each bite will reset the "fed on all night", "wasted" and "lost inhibitions" buffs ensuring the victim sim remains euphoric.

-Fixed a few errors affecting ripping/disintegration/eating clothes integration.

-Fixed a few errors in the ripping clothes off script that was preventing pants from being removed visually even though the buffs would say they were removed.

-Fixed a bug where the buff "Coming on Strong" appeared even if there wasn't a pervert around.

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Skarrd Bra and Panty



Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions


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