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Hey everyone! Due to some of the adult content that can appear in the updates, you can read about all the new mod advancements here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/78165-sims-4-skarrds-perverted-expansion-pack-update-to-101-jan03-2024/page/57/#comment-4431390

If for any reason you can't see or read it, let me know!



hey, thank you for this mod. I have a problem choosing the "i have to show you something" option, my sims can't do this interaction and just show the bubble that says they can't do the action like the one with a foot and cross bubble. hope you enlighten me with this. thanks!


Hey! The "I have something to show you" is the devious version of "Make out in Closet". The devious version, has some conditions removed so any sim, even if the devious sim hasn't reached a romantic relationship with, will take to a closet to make out. (and leave kissy marks or rip clothes off) Is it doing that because there is no closet around maybe?


I have a closet in place especially in the bedroom so I wonder what's wrong. so I was thinking if the pack has a special closet it comes with for this interaction. so any closet would do I suppose? ty!


There are 2 closets I believe that sims can make out in? The ones big enough for them to walk in anyways. Try running the "make out in the closet" interaction? I have noticed that interaction, from time to time can just... drop off. Like some interactions can in the game when sims are busy doing other things.