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VER 1.2.0

New Additions

-Added for Pervert: "Molest in Bushes" found under "pervy moves" (bush on lot required) (Puts lipstick kiss marks on while in bush.)

-Added for Sexually Awkward: "Kiss and Fondle in Closet" becomes available when sexually awkward is drunk. (Puts lipstick kiss marks on while in closet.)

Strip Chess: A one game, "strip to the underwear" bet, match where the loser has to strut around in their underwear for a few hours. Logic skill counts.

  • Requires a chess board on the lot
  • Cannot be started during a strip poker game.
  • Different reactions from Pervert and Sexually Awkward.

-Added a "sexy pic" situation. Lasts 3 hours with the goal of taking a picture of your model. It is started by using "Want to pose for sexy pics?" interaction. (see changes for more info on this interaction) This is not a join-able situation. 2 sims max.

  • -Added for Pervert: "Maybe take something off?" interaction becomes available during a sexy photo situation when the sexually awkward chose to not voluntarily undress.
  • -Added for Pervert: "Maybe take off more clothes?" available during the sexy pic situation when the model has already removed at least one item of clothing.
  • -Added for Pervert: Photographer during a sexy pic situation. Found under "Friendly-> SmallTalk -> "Ask to take photos of ... (name of sim)" which results in a cool photographer and model animation, which is a sims 4 interaction exclusively used for the celebrity interactions that came with the "Get Famous" expansion pack. (I would imagine the game pack is required.) Bit of a bonus for players with the pack but only cosmetic. It doesn't effect any game play or goals.

-Added on/off switch for hard nipples. Found by clicking on any other sim in the game and navigating to Action->Pervy Options.

-Added a "Stay and party today/tonight" for Pervert and Sexually Awkward. These are a 10 hour situation with no goals. Only available depending on the time of day. They just simply hold sims at your lot. Player is allowed to start other situations while these are running but you will NOT be able to start these if any any other situation is running. (it covers the situation goals and the player can't see)

-Added/changed for Pervert: "I see your nipples are hard" will now actually make the targets nipples physically get harder to go along with the buff, "My hard nipples have been noticed and now they're getting harder" or some variation depending on the sim.

-Added/changed for Sexually Awkward: "Are you cold?" will now actually make the targets nipples physically get harder to go along with the buff, "My hard nipples have been noticed and now they're getting harder" or some variation depending on the sim.

-Added a new Embarrassing Memory for getting drunk with and underage teen which will result in a embarrassing memory buff (lasts 4 hours) after sobering up.

-Added for Pervert and Sexually Awkward teen: new social interaction, "I had fun getting drunk with you." that is triggered when speaking with the adult that got drunk with the teen. (Available for 1 sim week)


-Made an adult less strict about a teen serving them alcohol. Which creates a strategy for the teen to get the adult drunk first before asking for the adult to serve the teen(s)

-Moved "Your breasts are beautiful" to "Perverted Observations" in the Pervy menu

-Changed "Take clothes off for sexy pics?" to "Want to pose for sexy pics?" So it no longer guarantees the model just taking off clothing. Now it depends on who the model is:

  • If the model you want to take sexy pics with is a pervert, they will voluntarily strip off 1,2,3 or 4 items of clothing. They will do this drunk or sober.
  • If the model is Sexually Awkward, they will be in to posing for sexy photos but only a chance they will take off clothing and a reduced chance they will strip as much as a pervert would.

Changed for Awkward: "Are you drunk" has been changed to "How are you feeling?"

-Increased chance that a Devious sim will autonomously drug your drink to 4%

-Increased chance the a Naive sim will "accidentally" drug your drink to 5%

Consuming Alcohol changes:

  • -Sims consuming drinks when drunk only has a 50% chance they will get Wasted. They have a 50% chance they may just remain drunk.
  • -Sims consuming drinks when wasted only has a 50% chance they will get Blackout Drunk. They have a 50% chance they may just remain wasted.
  • Hangover Changes:
  • -Will only receive "Confusion & Regrets" buff from sobering up from being wasted and doing embarrassing things.
  • -Will only receive "Humiliation & Mistakes" buff from sobering up from being drunk and doing embarrassing things.

-Changed for Pervert: "Feel up in closet" -> "I want to show you something."

Bug Fixes

-Stopped "Want to distribute traits" from appearing in normal dialogue. It is now restricted to "Pervy Options" in "Actions" when clicking on any other sim.

-Fixed "Pervy Moves" from showing up in unexpected places in the interaction wheel.

-Fixed Adults not automatically agreeing to serve teens drinks when drunk.

-Fixed "Compromising Photos" notice not appearing all the time.

-Fixed the "Done Undressing" notification not appearing all the time.

-Fixed pervy options not showing on sims the player hasn't met.

-Fixed not being able to practice mixology at bars.

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions


Veronica Tash

I was hoping to see more than this on the bartending. Since that was installed, I cannot get teens to be able to bartend at all, whether or not there are adults around, whether or not they have your Fake ID trait. Can you make a version that disables the bartending restrictions?


Hey Veronica! I'm sorry it's not working. Instead of making two versions I think the better and easier way would be to figure out why it's not working for you. Lets see if we can figure out whats gone wrong. I just play tested the mod (downloaded from here and installed that so I know we are playing the same mod) and everything is working. (I made a new teen, started a new house, and in this case the teen was living alone. I bought the fake ID and had immediate access to the bars functions, including tending bar and making drinks and drinking the drinks. SO, we just need to figure out why it's now working on your end. (I find it's always helpful for players when it's been confirmed, the mod isn't the problem) Then we can look at other possible issues. After eliminating any install conflicts (like old "skarrd_Trait" files still in the folder) Maybe start a fresh teen like I did. Add the "fake ID" and tell me what happens. Do you have any other mods that have anything to do with the bar?

Veronica Tash

Well, I haven't tried the current version yet as I've been working on creating people. The last version definitely had me trying with brand new sims created in the period and they can use the luxury globe bar, but other bars has them queue the action then immediately cancel it when it gets there. I can give more feedback when I get the time to finish the family and test it out. Grad school with full time work doesn't leave much time :(


Last month, I screwed up a couple of the uploads. So try this update and get back to me. In the meantime, I'm going to test all the bars. I usually am doing my play tests on the 2 square bars(home bar), not the 4 square bars(deluxe bars).


any idea on when we’ll see the visible boners you mention in your ideas post? I think the idea of the sims getting visible boners just randomly is pretty realistic and I think it’d be cool for gameplay. Maybe a embarrassed moodlet if it’s seen by another sim. And if it includes teens, they could get one in highschool which would be mortifying for them.


I spent some time trying different models to add and the complication seems to be the height of the crotch in different pants. I could get it to look alright for certain pants, but then I'd try it on another and it wouldn't work. I couldn't figure out how to make a universal fit. So right now that's on a back burner.


aw that sucks but im excited for future updates regardless thanks for your work!


Is there a way to globally turn off hard nipples instead of having to do it on each sim individually? Also, is the sexy pics scenario supposed to override the compromising photos scenario as I can't seem to trigger those interactions.


For the globally hard nipple off trait, no, as of now there is not. And the sexy pic scenario worked excellent with compromising photos with all my play testing. No conflicts that I found and the notice informing that you had obtained a compromising photo was consistently showing. Maybe if you can give me more specific details about what seems to be broken? You can get the model drunk and undressed and take the pic?


Also, some options with the compromising photos does require the devious trait.


It worked perfectly fine in 1.10, but when I run through the exact same scenario with the exact same sims in 1.20 after taking the photos I never get the pop up about having compromised photos so the extra options on what to do with the photos never show up.


I just ran through a scenario and took a photo and it appears everything is working. The first social interaction that appears after I met the conditions is, "I have sexy photos of you" which is under manipulation. But do your sims have a history? Have you already used photos on the other sim already? Because that could be the problem there. What relationship markers are there in the profile regarding photography or trust or sex slave or anything?


Are any of the new additions part of the relationship system referenced in your previous update post?


There is indeed. This version, is the first with some new relationship factors that will be effecting how the sims react with each other. Dramatic changes would be noticed in new relationships between perverts and sexually awkwards. (Sober Awkwards should be more stand off-ish with affections from perverts. (unless the Awkward finds the pervert really attractive) But there's also other things that are being recognized like, Sex slaves should now be more compliant. It's a work in progress. So feedback on behaviour you feel is not correct, let me know.

Veronica Tash

okay, I have a deeper issue. Adults also cannot mix drinks. They just stop.


This sounds like you're playing with one of the broken versions. I'm going to guess that if you checked your adult sims traits, they don't have a trait, "Default Adult Alcohol Access"? applied to them?

Veronica Tash

I just noticed I had Skarrd_Traits_FondlingGropingAddon.package and Skarrd_TraitsFondlingGropingAddon.package, so I deleted the latter as it's older. I also have Skarrd_Traits_Compromising_PhotosAddon, Skarrd_Traits, Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack_DeviousAddon, Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack, and Skarrd_DeviousAddon.


The only files you should have are in this post. Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack_DeviousAddon, Skarrd_Perverted_Expansion_Pack And that is the last name change. I promise.


So delete all of those from your folder and download and install the files from the zip above.


I tested a bunch of different scenarios and can get the interaction to trigger but sometimes it seems to get hung up on something. Sometimes I get it right after taking the photos, but sometimes it doesn't appear until after I've completed all of the tasks in the sexy photos scenario or at least all of the flirting ones (in one test I couldn't complete undress tasks because sim was wearing one-piece outfit that was automatically undressed). Also just some feedback on wording, but I was confused that the "Compliment Outfit" task is triggered by Romance->Flirtation->Compliment Appearance, instead of Friendly->Compliments->Compliment Outfit.

Veronica Tash

I did and that fixed it. Well, I already had the file in there amongst everything else, but removing the others fixed it.


The way this is set up, the goals have nothing to do with taking a photo. Now, if you start the "Friendly-> SmallTalk -> "Ask to take photos of ... (name of sim)" then that will start an animation that will play out and everything will get hung up waiting for that to end. Sometimes, I've had the "take photo of.." interaction get hung up but no more than any interaction of that nature. Sometimes in the sims. things get queued up but get dropped. Sometimes, the notice doesn't appear. However the interaction that keeps you moving forward, does. "I have sexy photos of you" will appear in the dialogue as long as you are meeting all the requirements.


YES!! Nice, I am glad to hear that. Yes, it should be clear sailing now. Cheers!


Also, the compliment outfit is borrowed from the main game. I didn't write that one. I was using compliment appearance myself but assumed compliment outfit would also work. But if it doesn't, that might be an EA bug.


So you don't even need to use the "want to pose for sexy pics" interaction which sets off the situation. You can simply do as you did before. Take out the camera when you have your model drunk and undressed and you'll still meet the conditions for a compromising photo. The events in the sexy photo situation are about making some interaction for the player about how many items they want removed for the picture. And of course, for fun.


What bushes should we be using? so far no bushes work


They come with various packs: The Anything Goes Party Bush and the Duty Calls Model Citizen comes in Get Together, and you'll find the bushes in various lots around Windenburg. Jungle Adventure also added a slightly different version of the bush, "Open Air Natural Toilet" which is scattered around Selvadorada. All bushes are available to buy in the build catalog, as well as being spottable outdoors. Snowy Escape also offers a new very plain version of the bush that can be used in the same way. You'll find a wild version during Mt. Komorebi expeditions but for those who want to place their own, you'll need to use hidden object cheats to uncover the Komorebi Shrubbery. Horse Ranch offers a similar bush with the same functionality, once again available in the world and in build and buy mode.


I have been having an issue for a while. What Blush texture is needed when you say something perverted. My sim turns all white. I believe I am missing the blush texture our I may have another mod that is over writing it.


The blush texture is included in the mod. This is the first I've heard of this. So, thinking this through, my first guess is maybe there is a layer conflict. The blush, actually uses the blush layer. Maybe, the skin tone used to make that sim, uses the same layer? Is it a custom skin tone?


Awesome mod by the way, keep up the good work and stuff


Yes, most of mine are custom skins and authors add there own tone, but where its getting fuzzy is the blush layer in your mod is not the same as the face blush cosmetic on Sims is it.


So I just double checked. I have 3 blushes. The first, then an extra blush and then there is an embarrassed red face. They all use the blush layer. So yes, it should be the same blush layer as the cosmetics.


Do you have a link to those skins? Just so I can check it out.


https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-skintones/title/mirabelle-skin-overlay-hq/id/1366346/ This is the overlay and the tone is pretty much what is available with this overlay/tone I can see its quite old but is really a good one. I use this overlay since body parts line up pretty well with most of my Sims.


Hey, thanks for the link. So the skin overlay actually uses the forehead crease layer, so it shouldn't be a layer conflict. So there is something else causing the problem. Let me think about this. What happens if you put "blush" makeup on that sim? As an experiment?


i do have blush on the sim and that blush I can not find a link to have been playing for a very long time and I have more CC than I should. That said I will check to see if putting sims standard blush on a Sim fixes this.