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Ver 1.4.0

Ver 1.4.1 Fixed 1.4.0 being broken.

This months update is a mixed back of improvements but the focus was autonomy. It's time to expect the unexpected. These recent changes make playing a Sexually Awkward sim much more interesting.


This has been the focus. I have been making more interactions, more autonomous. (greater likelihood they will be chosen by autonomy)

-Perverts, when feeling flirty, will now act more interested in romantic and flirty interactions becoming more aggressive autonomously. (these adjustments also apply to the Sexually Awkward when they get drunk)

-Sexually Awkward sims, when stressed or embarrassed, will now act less interested in romantic and flirty interactions becoming more defensive autonomously.

-Increased autonomy for Social Interactions:

⦁ Let me tend bar for you

⦁ Will you serve me/us alcohol

⦁ Want to drink some alcohol

⦁ Can I make you a drink

-NPC Initiated situations will give a notice so the player so they know what is happening.

-Custom Romantic and Flirty interactions are attraction based so some interactions won't be available if your sim is not attracted to them.

Ripping Clothes Off

-New interaction for Sexually Awkward : "Oh wow! What happened to your clothes?!" when interacting with a male who has had their clothes torn off.

-New interaction for Sexually Awkward : "Oh my! What happened to your clothes?!" when interacting with a female who has had their clothes torn off.

-A number of new proximity buffs for males and females who have had their clothes torn off, while drunk, or sober.

-Added for Sexually Awkward female: "Do you like my bra and panties?" interaction when clothes have been torn off while drunk.

-Added for Sexually Awkward male: "Show off underwear" interaction when clothes have been torn off while drunk.

-After the clothing is ripped off, the pervert will laugh at the embarrassed sexually awkward and if they are both perverts, they will laugh at each other.

Drugging Drinks

-Added buff for Naive sims that accidentally drug themselves at the bar with a daterape drug. It shows after the drink has been consumed.

-Added buff for Naive sims that accidentally drug themselves at the bar with an erection drug. It shows after the drink has been consumed.

-Added interaction for Naive: "I've accidentally drugged myself!" available after drugging self.

Underage Drinking

-Perverts (ages YA,A,E) can now stress out a teen making them far more receptive to the idea of drinking alcohol.

-Perverts (ages T) can now stress out a Sexually Awkward sim making them agree to being served drinks by the teen.


-Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Um.. that is a ... pretty bra... you're wearing." becomes available when interacting with a sim who is showing off a bra.

-Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Say something awkward." available from the start.

-Interaction For Naive: "Say something completely innocent." available from the start.

-Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Make awkward joke." available from the start.

-Other sims around Sexually Awkwards who have decided to undress because it is hot(from drinking) will now join in on the undressing.

Pervert - If NOT Devious - "Feel up in closet" results in kissy marks on target sim when exiting closet. The target consents or can refuse based on relationship status and how drunk target is. (male and female target specific)

Devious - "I want to show you something" is meant to be deceptive. The Devious sim is tricking the target to the closet and then pulls them in before it's too late. The target doesn't get time to consent or refuse. The result is kissy marks on the target and the targets clothes get ripped off. ***Penalties are planned.

-Added the drunk version of "I like your underwear. They look... um..  tight." for sexually awkwards.


-Vampires can feed on Sexually Awkward and Perverted sims as much as they want. Instead of receiving a "Recently Bitten" buff that prohibits any more feeding from that sim, the Sexually Awkward and Perverted sims receive "Recently Bitten" buffs that are more sexual in nature and allow bite after bite all night long. (especially if you make drinking blood a club activity)


-Pervert teens are far more likely agree to drinking with an adult. Now 80% chance they will agree to drinking.

-Some drinking situations, once started prevent other drinking situations from being initiated by NPC's.

Bug Fixes

-Fixed "Cloth Ripping" custom sound effect was only sounding if interaction was started by a devious pervert that was the active sim. Now it will play every time.

- "Shall we have another?" is now available for Sexually Awkwards adults to teens after the teen has already had one drink.

-"If your boner is uncomfortable, undress" is now available for Sexually Awkwards to say to Perverts who have been given an erection pill. (as long as they are at least tipsy)

-Fixed embarrassing memories coming back over and over again. Now, after getting drunk and doing some embarrassing things, a Sexually Awkward sim will get embarrassing memories after sobering up once, because once is enough.

-Fixed "Raging Hardon" and "Date Rape Drugged" showing up before the drink was consumed.

-Fixed Strip Poker games initiated by Sexually Awkwards. Players weren't stripping in games with only 2 players.

-Fixed "Will you serve us alcohol" situation not including the teen who instigated it.

****EDIT 1.4.0 was broken! Please re-download!

Required files

Wicked Whims

XML Injector

Skarrd Bra and Panty


Confused about some of the features? Check out the Playing Instructions


Evad King

Very exciting! Thanks.


Looks like a few things are broke in this update. asking someone to drink equals a debug party, no ability to rip clothes and mixologists are acting kinda weird only serving drinks about 1/2 the time


New update makes the game unplayable. Just let in you know. Forever loading screen . Old ver working fine again !


thanks for your work!!


Ok that was reported and I updated the file. Are you saying the new one is broken too?


Continually impressed with your work, looking forward to trying this! Thank you!


Looks like the mini drinking event us completely gone


Correction, mini drinking event is gone for pervs as an option to initiate, but not for SA's. Poker still works.


Hey, so I just checked and both "want to drink some alcohol?" for perv and "Can I make you a drink" for SA is there. One change I did have to make to avoid a shit show was added new restrictions on initiating certain situations while others are already running due to the autonomy changes.

Jaxx Miller

I just downloaded it last night, and am also having some trouble with load times. That said, it currently only seems to be happening (for me, at least) during the loading screen that happens after you press resume on/load a save. It's not infinite, either... I timed it, seems to be about 2 or 3 minutes. Without this mod installed, the load time for that screen is normal. I wouldn't call it unplayable, though.


I haven't experienced that. I would make sure you've got the latest download because it was sometime last night I updated. And maybe double check and make sure you don't have any of the old "Skarrd_Trait_" mods in there bunging things up.


Still cant get a Perv to initiate with an SA, so what am I doing wrong?


Is one a teen? Your perv's, "want to drink some alcohol?" isn't showing? Try asking another adult sim or something? Try asking a perv? And if all that is fine i start turning to install mistakes? Uhhh.. duplicate files?


I've tinkered around, the option just won't appear if a perv tries to initiate the drinking mini event with an SA. Will work with any other sim. SA's can initiate with perv, but not the other way around. installed correctly, no teens.


Are you trying the same pervert over and over or have you tried other sim perverts?

John Kimble

The autonomy might need some tweaking, it is just about the only thing the sims talk about now or maybe one of my autonomy mods are messing with it. Still very impressed with it however.


I appreciate this feedback. Admittedly there’s a fine line between the interactions ever showing or maybe showing too much. Anything specific?

John Kimble

perverted Jokes and both kind of drink interactions(SA and P) are the ones mostly being spammed in my game atleast. I'll try to delete some autonomy mods to see if it balances it out.


Okay. I find that when one interaction autonomy drops off another picks up. So the solutions may be a bunch of autonomy on/off switches. Which will take time.


So, we know it's not the mod. Because it's working for everyone else. I am running out of guesses as to why that would be. Maybe your save is pooched in some way? I'm throwing long shot guesses at this point.

John Kimble

Not having LittleMsSams Autonomy tweaks and having Chingyu's BalanceLife helps, alot, maybe also for others.


Interesting!! This is good feedback. Autonomy is going to take time. I'm not even sure if I understand it correctly.

Jaxx Miller

Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to make it so Perverted and Devious sims do NOT sexually interact with each other? I want them all to only be attracted and interested in sex with my main Sim, with no perverted interest in each other -- ESPECIALLY with the ripping of clothes off. Is there any way to opt out of the clothes ripping, or at least specify who they're allowed to do it to? I actually find this feature incredibly frustrating, and I'm tempted to go back to an earlier version without it because seeing all my devious and perverted sims ripping each OTHER'S clothes off instead of the sim i specifically designed to be the victim is really frustrating.


There is an attraction based condition on interactions like, ripping clothes off. Meaning, they wont do it if they aren't attracted to that gender. I think you will find, if you look at the sims traits that seems to be sexually advancing on a gender they shouldn't be, they will actually have the trait that enables it. As I've tested, I've even reset a sims attractions and the game itself seems to change their attractions by itself. There was a point in my game where as I started to go through my sims, EVERY sim had "attracted to males" and "attracted to females". So the game made all my sims bisexual. Lately, the sims who I have been changing their attractions seems to be sticking so maybe there was a fix in a recent sims 4 game patch or something. But that's whats happening. On top of that, yes, the "ripping off clothes" is a very powerful interaction and currently in development. It's got full autonomy and that will be getting tuned. But it takes play testing and that takes time.

Jaxx Miller

That makes sense, and thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately for me, the naive sim I want to be focused on IS the same gender as the devious sims, so I think I'm out of luck in that regard. That said, I'm not sure how doable it is, but if there's any way you could take WW sexual roles into account (such as devious sims being set to top only having devious interactions with naive sims set to bottom), that might be able to help with some of the autonomy issues. I also think maybe it wouldn't be so noticeable if I wasn't also having similar issues to some of the other commenters where the sims seem to only be interested in ripping off clothes and perverted jokes. I'm not using LMS's autonomy tweaks, but I downloaded Chingyu's Balanced Life as I think I remember you mentioning that might help with that? Also, I'm curious if you happen to know if the WW gender role settings affect it at all? For example, if I make the devious sims attracted to women only, but set my naive sim to a female gender role, would it take that into account, or would it just focus on the actual gender of the sim? If you don't know, that's perfectly fine, I can always try it out myself. Anyway, all that aside, as frustrating as it can be it IS a pretty complicated system and I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate or respect the work you've done to make this awesome mod for us because I definitely, definitely do. So thank you, both for the mod, and for being willing to respond and explain things.


You misunderstand. You can choose any gender for the sim to be attracted to or both. So you the player choose. You want same sex, no problem. And this is done through the attraction system. The role system is something I haven’t really ever looked at. So I don’t know much about that yet. And thank you so much for those kind words and your support. I appreciate you being here.


Can anyone help give advice on why I can't make this mod work anymore? It hasn't worked for me for several months, where my sim can drink and drink and only gets the default "smooth sipping" moodlet. I no longer get a drunk moodlet, I don't get any of the interactions, it's like the mod isn't installed. I put it directly in my mod folder, I removed all mods except for this one and wicked whims and XML injector and WW is up to date.


My first guess is you haven’t applied one of the main traits (pervert, sexually awkward or normal) to the sim.


Yeah that was it! I should have read through the guide better; I don't recall doing that previously. Thank you so much.


I seem to have resolved it, I believe that it was based on the Sims relationship level. need to increase the relationship level to get the interaction going.


I’m glad to hear it’s working! And for the feedback. I’ll keep an eye on it.


I know what was probably preventing your pervert from instigating the drinking event. As of this update, due to autonomy, I had to add a new condition where the pervert can only ask if they want to drink alcohol if they are at their own home. (and own the bar) This was done to prevent complete strangers invading your home to have drinks. The sexually awkwards "can I make you a drink" was still available because I hadn't yet added the new conditions to it. (but I just did which is when I thought about you) So when your pervert is a guest, they won't be able to ask for drinks. They have to wait for the owner of the house to do it.


im not sure why but even when my sims are fully dressed they get moodlets like "feeling exposed! from being undressed" and "hot bod! from being an undressed female". my sexually awkward sim wears heavy, frumpy clothing as the daily outfit so im a bit confused why this is happening. otherwise i like it very much.


Hmm, that is strange. To identify what the sim is wearing, the mod looks for what category of outfit they have on as opposed to the individual items. So, for example, if your sim has a full outfit set in the sleepwear category, they will still feel exposed because it is the sleepwear category. The second way is states of undress using WW. If a shirt is off or pants etc. What category is getting the exposed buffs?


Better Exceptions shows that many of your tuning files are invalid.


Hey thanks for that. I have just spent the last 5 days fixing those so your timing is ironic. ha ha It will be fixed for the next update.


Oh, and also, the way it is now doesn't cause any errors so it's safe to play. Now that they are fixed, I haven't noticed any difference game play wise.


I can confirm my devious perv gets the flirty exposed buff while fully dressed wearing the everyday category.


I get exceptions on the sexy pic perv action every time. It still seems to work though.


I would recommend anyone using this mod also get the mixologist career mod. The two seem to synchronize together pretty good.


Hey, okay maybe it will make a difference then. I wasn't getting any exceptions myself but maybe it depends on other mods.


hi, sorry I haven't responded in a while. Been busy. The category that is getting the exposed buff is the everyday category. As for sleepwear I don't mind that much that it gets the exposed buff I will just have to change my sim into skimpier nightwear so it makes more sense to me.


Okay so this may be caused by clothes getting torn off. (which is a whole new system of undress) The buffs don't clean up nicely if the sim just dresses back up. This still needs work. But this is good feedback.


i see, personally i haven't used the tear off clothes action yet nor have my sims done it autonomously so its just when they walk in the room and see each other.


Okay this is even more helpful. Can you tell me what specifically the buff is and if it's a male or female specific?


I say they synchronize because it creates more opportunities for events to happen and it lets you get paid while doing it.


The buff I get is the Undressed! buff. In my game a male deviant gets the buff as soon as he is seen in his everyday outfit. The female deviant I just tested did not get this buff while wearing the everyday outfit around others. My female deviant on the other hand seems to get both the Sex Needs buff and the Hard Nipples! buff upon being outside. Only went away as she slept and got it right back as soon as she stepped outside in the morning.


The "sex needs" is a new buff replacement for "lovelorn" which is a buff you'll get if you haven't been flirty with another sim in a while. (because that sim has the Romantic trait.) The hard nipples will show up if your sim is flirty. And go away when they are not. And that works. As far as the "undressed" buff showing up when your sim is in everyday outfit, I'm baffled. A, that's not happening to me and B I double checked the conditions and everything looks good. For now I'll keep an eye on that but not sure why that's happening to you. Again, thanks for the feedback!