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Owen takes El to Nevada, where she will be able to work on getting her powers back. While there, she's confronted by someone from her past. In Hawkins, the gang looks for Vecna as he claims another victim.

Watched on: Netflix / Runtime: 1:16:53



Stranger Things S4 E5 (Full Reaction)


Mister Lou

That instant growl at the sight of Papa was pretty scary, I must say! He's gonna need a Lamby of his own to keep himself safe from your wrath. Also I can only hope for a team up fight with Murray and Jeremiah in the future.. who ever they fight would stand NO CHANCE!

Ed Scoglio

I think the look on your face when Murray and Joyce crashed is my favorite expression of yours ever. That was just such an amazing look! Also, any time I hear Murray's "My fingers are arrows" speech, I always think of Smaug describing his claws as spears, his scales like iron and his wings a hurricane from The Hobbit!

Patrick Egan

You look lovely in that shirt Jax, the colors really suit you :) As much as I like Dr. Sam Owens, he was a fool to think Eleven wouldn't freak out if she saw "Papa" again. Or did he really not know the full extent of what Dr. Brenner was doing with/to those kids. After that epic Episode Four, not a whole lot actually happened in this one, but we did get some nice character moments especially for Hopper and Eleven. Oh, and after that scene at the phone booth when they tried calling the computer, we DEFINITELY need to put WarGames on your watch list, Jax. It's a 1983 movie starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy, and it's one of those rare movies that's both dated and timeless, I think you'd enjoy it. :)