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Sam and Bucky team up with an old nemesis to learn more about the super soldier serum. They venture into a criminal haven and encounter and old friend...

Watched on: Disney+ / Runtime: 54:35



The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S1 E3 (Full Reaction)



You're getting very good at figuring out where a scene is headed.

Jason Pike

Just going to clear up a couple things for you Jax. Madripoor doesn't really have anything to do with Karlie's Flag Smasher movement. Also, John Walker doesn't have the super soldier serum. Also, Zemo has a vindictive side to him, that can kind of make him seem pretty horrible. But he's not really a bad guy. He has a lot of noble intentions, like being against the super soldier serum, because other than Steve Rogers, it has a pretty bad track record.

Catherine McCubbin

I was watching this for like the 3rd time with your commentary and it struck me how dumb it was to say “a city on the Baltic Sea” like Zemo and the former Soviet assassin wouldn’t know where Riga is?