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Some Simp

yes she'll be okay

Some Simp

Now that i think about it...does the big donut even have a boss/manager?


Sadie and Lars are sorta the managers it is a small town so things tend to be owned/ran by the town people

Some Simp

Yeah that makes sense...plus if it was anyone else lara probably would've been fired


Dont worry this storyline will continue later. If you remember Sadies mom has been supportive (maybe too supportive) so im sure she'll be fine


Brab(Sadie’s mom) is very loving from what we seen so I’m sure she lets her live rent free and let her do what she wants since she is an adult and I think in an ep she did say that she lets Sadie do what she wants I don’t remember tho

Molly Moon

Its minimum wage she'll be fine.