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Chalk Prince

Yay double Steven videos

Molly Moon

What gets me is him calling Steven kid when he's 14, so what like two years younger than Kevin? Lmao


This episode is why I’m on the Connie sorta overrated side like Steven going to homeworld was probably best case scenario but if she wasn’t ready to talk she should’ve said something she did see all the text but a simple “I don’t feel like talking about it right now” or “I need space” would work and it would save both of them the stress


Yeah fr the Dewey Wins episode wasn’t enough for me to get on Connie’s side

Reckless Dragonfly

Well lets remember they are both just kids. I feel like we sometimes we expect too much from them because we forget that sometimes. They are still growing and learning how to navigate these situations that some adults still have trouble navigating. So, yeah Connie def could have handled it better, but she is still just the average teenage girl trying to figure things out.

Anthony Pate Jr

This isn't a spoiler and is also never mentioned in the show, It is suspected that sabina is the mystery girl from season 4 episode 6, the girl that gave pearl her phone number at the end, there was an S on the slip of paper. Although never officially confirmed by the creators, it is highly suspected amongst a vast majority of the fandom

Anthony Pate Jr

I'd also like to mention that, I find your annoyance with kevin mistaking lion for a dog absolutely hysterical lol