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Boy blue

I feel like Pink Diamond/Rose’s story was told in reverse and she basically had a reverse character arc. She became the person she was as rose quartz because of what she was which was Pink Diamond


The way i view it, Pink was written in reverse we're learning about pink's character development in reverse order


I dont think pink was ever really a “good” person, or that they added these characters to justify stevens hate, Its just we learn about her in reverse, first about rose, then about pink, then about pinks past (AKA Volleyball)


Rose was always supposed to be a complex character who does a lot of good and did a lot of bad, but her most important trait to me is that she changed for the better. Steven just never knew she had a bad past so when he learned it had a bigger impact on how he viewed her. He says as much in the first series episode where they look for Ruby about how he sees his mom had done both good and bad. TLDR; He was always told how amazing his mom was as a kid, so when he learned she had a darker past he became more conflicted


Sorry if I seem like a Rose hater I just really like how her character changed as you learned more about her, and want you to understand why everyone seems so conflicted about her


We are seeing it in Steven’s eyes. We are seeing rose from the person she became to the person she used to be. Her arc is written in reverse we see rose as a good person she is but now we are seeing her past and what she used to do. So everything about rose is in reverse

Kyle T-J

Rose’s story is told in reverse, which is why you may not be a fan of how her story is told


I get how strange the way Pink/Rose's character is told but I actually like it! It's a great example of the phrase "you never truly know someone". Us humans are multi-faceted creatures and we gotta keep that in mind whether we see something good or bad about someone. Unfortunately, for most people, what tends to stick is the last thing we see.


The lot of us mutually agree that we Love Rose Quartz but dislike Pink Diamond when it comes to the actions that she made when using these two aliases. In the original series we learn how great Rose was for Gem Kind. But now we’re finding out how childish and immature Pink was before she matured into Rose.

Matt R

I feel like we got a lot of bad rose/pink and little to no story on good rose/pink. They should do mini episodes like side stories of the gem war so we can see how rose was after she matured

GreenVampire Gamer

There’s always been a mix of emotions between pink. Because first she’s a leader and protected the earth. But when we see a side where she abandoned spinel, hurt pearl, bubbled Bismuth, and of course lied and deceived everyone which lead to a war and many were shattered and corrupted but of course that is out of her control.


I think a good example to compare this to is the Ice King from AT. We see him as the Ice King( which you currently dislike) but as you continue the show, you'll learn about his past(which you might like, who knows ?).

Christian Lacoste

Christine you have to keep in mind that we're seeing pink diamonds character arc in reverse we knew her as the amazing rose quarts but as the story progresses we see that she wasn't this godesss always is right character that everyone viewed her as in the beginning of the show, she isn't evil but she has done horrible things and it deserves to be acknolwdged while accepting all the good she did, Steven is justified to feel some typa way bo vecause of the things she's done but because she is HIS mom he grew up with everyone saying how amazing she was and he struggled to meet the expectations everyone expected from him because of her then comes to find out she wasn't actually this holier then thou character but rather a flawed person like everyone else in the show as her son he's bound to fee some typa way but he definetly has a bit too much hate for her

Christian Lacoste

Think of it like this, in the beginning he put his mom on a pedestal too much so that when she inevitably made some mistakes because she's human(not literally of course) it causes him to go to the opposite end and vilify her, he needs to find a middle ground

Diego Munguia

I knew you always did your little shoutout section at the beginning but for some reason it didn’t click in my mind that eventually you would say my name too so I almost had a heart attack when I heard it on this one lmfao 😭🙏🏼 thanks! it’s been so awesome being part of the reaction journey!